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2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Beware. Final check will give all your personal information to anybody who may have access to your c
July 6, 2024

I just recently went through vitalcheck.com to get a certified birth certificate. I received a letter from the Commonwealth of Kentucky which is where I was born. And on there no records found they misspelled my middle name they put t a n instead of t i n. And also put in the wrong county. Per bottlecheck.com's policy and procedures since this was their error and not mine I contacted them today at 7:16 a.m. on July 6th 2024. I first spoke to jessica. Which did not follow policy or procedure. She did not ask me for my order number when I turn around and asked her I said yes I have a question on my order she said okay well what's your question I said don't you need my order number she says no I pulled it up by your phone number so she's already in the account she didn't ask any information whatsoever and started rattle and off my personal information, and didn't even know if it was me. She didn't verify it she didn't verify it that it was me and was giving out my personal information. So then I asked to speak to a supervisor Elizabeth got on the phone which is supposedly supervisor. Now to be clear vital check when you ask for somebody's name they will not give you a badge number they won't give you a last name nothing and I don't know if the first names that they gave me are correct. But Elizabeth which is a supervisor I told her what the problem was. Again she did not ask for the order number started rattling off my personal information did not have been verify it was me. After I'm stunned and just horrified that both of these individuals that were providing check didn't verify it was me and gave me all my personal information over the phone. Then I finally realized oh I called because my middle name was spelled wrong. Elizabeth which is a supervisor of vitalchek.com proceeded to let me know that Commonwealth of Kentucky only needs the name to be 70% correct as far as spelling. Then goes on to say different things that I have to contact them because they made the error not the person that I paid to do the request which is vital check. Then she states oh well tell me about the Kentucky you only needs to be 90% correct on your spelling. Are you kidding me. Come on. Spelling is extremely important on a birth certificate it has to be exact it has to be accurate. But vital check doesn't seem to think so. So stop using vital check. They also just got bought by Nexus. This is not a safe format this is not a safe third party to go through the other thing was that on their website which I went to verify to clarify to make sure I'm not giving any information isn't correct it states that if you have any errors or anything like that you need to contact the agency and which processed your request. I didn't contact Commonwealth at kentucky. Vitalcheck.com is the agency and which I used to process my request. I told both these ladies this somewhere they just didn't understand what processing the request meant they did it yet I'm going to tell me I'm supposed to contact Kentucky I haven't dealt with Kentucky the agency that process my request was vital check.com. They do not give refunds. They will not do anything for you. They will not answer questions they will however I give all your private and personal information to anybody that calls. So don't lose your cell phone number or don't lose your cell phone because all they need is your cell phone call vital check and they'll give them all your personal information from your residence to your parents full name last name to your complete name to where you were born and everything else. Which is protected by the privacy act. Which vital check today the supervisor and a person who works there violated. Be aware stay awake from vital check. They don't help you if there's any concerns errors. They don't even help you if you don't receive anything in the mail. Go directly to the state you save money and you don't deal with this crap.

Date of experience: July 06,2024

Tip for consumers:

If you use vitalchek.com and you have any problems concerns questions. Or you didn't receive a no records found or your certified birth certificate. You're just out a lot. Don't waste your time calling vitalcheck.com they will not give your refund they will not help you in any way with server they tell you to contact the state that you need it from. Even though vital check.com tells you in plain English and a bold print on their website that you contact them the agency that you put in the reques

Products used:

Requested copy of certified birth certificate. Did not receive. But got charged twice

Date of experience: July 6, 2024