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1 review
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Everything Worked Out Great!
September 24, 2022

When I dropped my Pikachu 2DS XL I was absolutely devastated when I saw the top screen was completely black. I played that thing every day and it was suddenly gone in an instant. I was in a state of panic looking for a place to get it repaired, especially since you can't buy them for a reasonable price new anymore. I then stumbled upon Video Game 911 online and saw the good reviews, so I shipped my precious baby to them from Michigan to New Jersey. I was so anxious the whole time fearing the worst and regretting not trying to find a more local place. The fear of them stealing my money and my DS was at the forefront of my mind the entire time. When I looked up the tracking number and saw that my package was delivered two days prior I was scared that my fears were right since I got no email update from them whatsoever. Trying to keep my hopes up I messaged them and they promptly responded an hour later that it was going to be under diagnostics that day. I didn't want to message anything further just in case they got annoyed and made me wait even longer, or worse (I'm just an anxious and paranoid person, they didn't really do anything to warrant these fears of mine)! I shipped it on Sep 11th, and got the notification that the analysis was complete on the 19th. After I made my payment that night, I got an email notification that it was being worked on the following morning. Finally, on the 23rd, I got my DS back, and I am so relieved and happy! It might sound stupid, but this thing really means a lot to me, and I am so happy that they were able to fix it with only minimal dents on the front edges (I assume it was from taking the dang thing apart). The stylus had also been kinda loose in the storage slot, and I forgot to take it out before I shipped it, and was happy to see it was still in there and didn't get lost. In retrospect, for the sake of my own sanity, I probably should have looked for a repair place locally, but even after all that stress, I am so happy with how it turned out, even though I am now out 140 sum dollars, which I would have had to spend that to repair it anyway so I'm glad it went to some knowledgable people. In the future, I plan on sending my old Game Boy Advance SP and my Playstation 2 to them for repairs once I have the cash (I am also not apparently as emotionally attached to those items as I am to my Pikachu 2DS XL) because they are certainly a reliable company that can fix them. Also, can women's pants just have bigger pockets, please? None of this would have happened if that was just a thing.

Date of experience: September 23, 2022