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2 reviews
4 helpful votes

Viagogo let my 13 year old daughter and friends down in the worse way possible!
June 4, 2017

Its a long storey... i booked 6 tickets at £73 each for the Ariana Grande gig on for the 22/05/17 back on the 28/10/16... i didnt mind paying this amount of money as they were top tier front, right at the side of the stage! When i received them they were right at the back top tier and they were £40!. So i lost £180 on all 6 tickets so as you do you wanted to talk to someone at viagogo but they wont talk to you till 2 days before the gig. So i emailed them to complain, i was fobbed off and told me they were happy that they were right tickets ( they were happy) not me and the 4 girls i was taking... so after many many emails which must of them were ignored... 1 email from viagogo i was told no refunds and enjoy your gig! Well as you all know there was a terror attack that night a suicide bomber killed 22 kids and adults... lucky because viagogo gave me the totally wrong seats we were ok and far away from it got out unharmed. My heartbreaks for all the families for the victims of that horrible night.
So after that horrific night... Live nation arranged a 1 love manchester everyone who went to the gig on the 22nd were promised free tickets... Not if you got your tickets from Viagogo that wasn't even an option at first... 45 mins before the deadline 4pm Viagogo are put on the list... i managed to fill all my correct details in at 15.50 before the deadline... Nothing happened... we heard nothing off viagogo untill 9.30 on the morning the tickets sales... lines opened at 10am... so i tried to buy new tickets as my daughter was so upset all her school friends got free tickets who went to the original gig... sold out in 6 mins... Viagogo passed my details to live nation ticketmaster who asked me to send a pic of all the tickets which i did right away... i didnt get a confirmation of them that they received my pics... i have to write a email complaining... On the morning of the 1 love concert i was finally sent a link off live nation at about 11am... so happy i opened the link to find ALL SOLD OUT! I got no support off viagogo or live nation so so disappointed.

Date of experience: June 4, 2017