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New York
2 reviews
28 helpful votes

Scam and Fraud Alert
April 30, 2015

I've done business with US Interlink and it's owner, Bruce Richards, for over 15 years. If I ever had an issue with their service, Bruce was quick to correct it. He was always professional, courteous and friendly.

In August of last year he presented an opportunity to some of his loyal customers, I was one of them. His idea was based on the TV show Shark Tank. He would let those selected customers invest in his project with a Guaranteed 200% return on investment.

He and I spoke at length regarding the prospect. He repeatedly assured me that there was no risk involved. If the project did not come to fruition, he had the money to back up his promises.

He told me that $5000. 00 was what he needed to go forward with the project. He sent a Promissory Note that Guaranteed $10,000.00 would be paid to me on, or before, December 01,2014. We had an Agreement and I paid him $5000. 00 through his Paypal account.

When Dec. 01,2014 arrived, I inquired about our Agreement. He told me there had been some delays but that I would be paid soon, not to worry. When I asked about it again a few days later, he told me that his project had not turned out as he had planned, that he and all his friends and associates had used up all their money and there was nothing left. He claimed to be living out of his car and on friends' couches. Now I knew something was very wrong.

After further inquiries and demands for payment, Bruce told me he would pay me as soon as the claim for his deceased wife's Life Insurance came through. Additional inquiries and demands only led to additional excuses and delays. He even went so far as to provide letters from his wife's insurance company who were requesting certain documentation before they would pay the claim. As it turned out, his wife had passed away years previously, this was all a ruse and a con. How despicable for him to exploit his wife's untimely demise in an effort to steal money from me.

For the past several weeks now, Bruce refuses to respond to emails and phone calls. All mailing addresses available on his websites are drop boxes. His phone numbers appear to be VOIP accounts. For all intents and purposes, he is little more than an online presence. As he works in the Investigative and Computer Security industries, he knows the tricks of the trade and how to stay well hidden.

In our conversations, it was made clear to Bruce that the money I was investing was slated for, among other things, my daughter's college tuition. He knew I was not in a position to take a risk. And, as previously stated, he repeatedly assured me that there was NO risk. I would be paid not only the $10,000.00 we agreed to, but he would credit my account with USInterlink.com with 200 Cellphone pings.

Not only has he defaulted on our Promissory Note and his guarantees, he also refuses to refund me the $250.00 credit that I have in my USInterlink.com account.

We had a 15 year history. I had good reason to trust him. He betrayed that trust. He stole money from me and he hurt my family in the process.

Copies of email messages, the Promissory note and other correspondence have all been retained to verify this Complaint.

Bruce Richards just saw this review. Here is his email to me:

On 05/09/15, *******@yahoo.com wrote:

I just read your comments on sitejabber.
If you want to publicly talk about my dead wife in a news forum, then you can go FISH.
I don't give a $#*! what you do at this point. You will not be seeing a dime from me.
Good Day.

Date of experience: April 30, 2015