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1 review
5 helpful votes

February 17, 2011


They seem to be taking orders and not be able to process them. I have been extremely dissatified with these guys. They seem to have lied repeatedly to me. You may or may not get your order and have to cancel after waiting a couple of weeks for your order.

So I placed my order over the phone on 2/14 and was told that I would get an email confirmation later that day or the next day. I even started a 'LIVE AGAIN' thread here on SlickDeals for the TV.

I followed up the next day (2/15) and was told the order had processed and the email would be going 'now'. No email came AND my card was charged.

Followed up the next day (2/16), again I was told that the order is processed and the email is going out 'now'. No email. Waited a couple of hours. Called again in the afternoon. Now I was told (and here it gets ridiculous) that the email might not even have gone into my spam folder but have been blocked completely by gmail and was asked for another email address. News for you USAppliance - if email service providers are blocking your emails that they don't even go into spam folders then you have a problem. A big problem. A big problem trying to do business over the internet.

Anyways so now they had another email address for me. Still no email.

USAppliance is telling me that the order has 'processed', they have charged my card but they will not send me a confirmation email or give me a confirmation number despite having my money. Everytime I call to ask them they lie by telling me it's going out 'now' and putting me off. And make excuses like gmail blocks us so it doesn't even get to the spam folder. COME ON!

I send a message to the USAppliance person monitoring threads on Slickdeals. This is what he tells me:

"We are short a few TVs and are transferring units from local B&M warehouses to fill the last dozen or so orders we are short.
There is also a shipment on the way from Panasonic.
Your order is only 2 business days since processed so even if it takes 3 more business days to ship out, you should have it around our 7 - 10 business day timeframe.
I apologize for the miscommunication."

STILL no email or confirmation number!

Anyways 2/17 - I cancel my order and dispute the charge with my credit card provider. I place an order for the same TV with Amazon. It's scheduled to be delivered Feb 22 and has already shipped out. Woohoo!

No more shady merchants like USAppliance. I'll pay a couple of bucks more and stick with the good guys.

Date of experience: February 17, 2011