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1 review
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Gorgeous cedar wood, not really durable
November 8, 2020

First, the red cedar is gorgeous- the photos really don't do it justice. Unfortunately, cedar is a VERY soft wood. If you drop something (e.g. Your phone) on the desk, it will create an indent. This works really well to create a "worn-in" look to the desk but you need to have great care with the wood. Setup for the L-shaped desk (right return) was fairly straightforward with the upliftDesk gear and directions. Because of the soft wood, follow the recommendation of two people to lift and flip components to minimize damaging the wood in any way. I suspect things are easier when you have a single panel vs. the dual panel for L-Shaped desks. The joining of the two boards is a little bit tricky -- it's a type of connection where you need to tighten a nut to join the wood. Given the soft nature of the wood, it needs to be super tight and there's not a lot of room for standard tools.

As for the build... unfortunately, after 2 months with the desk, the far right leg of the return seems to be at a slightly awkard angle. There's definitely a gap where the leg joins the wood. Two screws attaching the long crossbar to the wood have fallen off from underneath the desk. The screw just stripped right off the wood because the wood is too soft. The source of this stress seems to be a combination of the joint between two large panels of soft wood, the weight of the wood itself and having inadequate screws for the type of wood. I'm not a wood worker, but it seems like you need a better joining mechanism and better screws to account for the wood compressing from movement or use. Also, after 2 months of use, I find myself encountering the dreaded E07 error where the leg heights of the three legs are *slightly* out of balance and I have to "reset" the legs. I do this a couple of times a week now. I'm sure that doesn't help the stress on the far right leg of the desk.

I tried emailing support but unfortunately, not very helpful. While their offer to send more screws is nice, it will not address the issue of soft wood and inadequate support build for the soft wood.

I *WOULD NOT* recommend anybody purchase the red cedar wood for an L-Shaped desk. You might have better luck with a harder wood (eg. Walnut) or if you really want the red cedar, stick with a single pane desk.

Date of experience: November 8, 2020