5 reviews for Unlock Phone Sim are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
1 review
0 helpful votes

Waste of time and money
September 25, 2024

Waste of time and money Waste of time and money Waste of time and Money waste of time and money

Date of experience: September 15, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

July 3, 2024

My phone wasn't unlocked it came up with the excuse my find my phone was active

Date of experience: June 23, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

Unlock my new phone
September 8, 2021

Easy. Peasy. I just had to keep giving you money and my phone became useable!

Product question
I know very little about iPhones so needed someone who would make the process as simple as possible.
Date of experience: September 8, 2021
1 review
0 helpful votes

They steal my money
November 24, 2020

They steal my money, they didn't unlock the Phone and they steal my money.
They steal my money, they didn't unlock the Phone and they steal my money.

Date of experience: October 25, 2020
New York
1 review
0 helpful votes

"Sheep in Wolves clothing"
August 20, 2020

Don't Trust them. I was looking for a service to unlock a phone I purchases on ebay. The phone booted up as Verizon, So i added Verizon in my description, with 24 hours my unlock search came back as unable to completed because so they say I did not give the the correct information. However they were able to see the date of purchased the serial number and that it was at&t. I paid $34.00 for that but they were quick to tell me it was non-refundable because I did not give the correct info. Okay so I wanted to be sure that the phone was indeed locked to at&t and I paid $3.00 for a network search, and once again I was told that it was at&t.(But my at&t sim card does not work in the phone) umm... sounds fishy. I then went to at&t and the phone was not unlock to them, nor TMobil. So this site is a scam. I sure they have someone writing excellent service reviews for them. I will not recommend them to anyone. This is the search results:
Phone Unlock
IPhone XR Verizon USA
18/07/2020 15:05:47
Device: iPhone Xr Black 128GB Model: A-1984 US/Canada IMEI Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-X IMEI2 Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX Manufacture Date: 2019 Oct 23 Unit Age: 8 months and 27 days Assembled In: Foxconn Zhengzhou, China Estimated Purchase Date: May 07,2020 Next Policy ID: 2279 Carrier: locked to US AT&T/Cricket Locked Policy Country: United States SIM-Lock:
Network Check
19/07/2020 14:33:43

Date of experience: July 21, 2020
5 reviews for Unlock Phone Sim are not recommended