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1 review
2 helpful votes

Total Ripoff
March 17, 2022

This company is a total ripoff. They will call you diligently till the time their fees is paid and after that they will vanish in thin air. You keep following up to speak to your assigned account manager but you will not get the required service. They will tell you that your are eligible to apply for PR and will take full fees upfront. But the information they provide is all false. This has happened with me. Initially they told me that my points are sufficient to apply for PR and guaranteed, I will get the PR. They asked me to make the full payment of $5000 CAD upfront to start the process of putting in my application which i paid them.
First of all they provided incorrect information on WES assessment and when the assessment came back I was told to do it again. I had to pay WES fees twice.
Secondly whenever I asked to speak to Account Manager no one called I only received an email from a junior staff asking me the issue which is extremely unprofessional when I was told that the account manager has been assigned to my case and will revert when I want to speak to him.
Thirdly, when my application was submitted I was not told that the points are not even sufficient to be able to get PR. It will be in the queue for years and my number will not come for PR. That's how they cheat people.
I would like to ALERT everyone who wants to or looking to enroll yourself for UIS service please find some other consultant as it will the waste of money and your time and efforts. They will only extract money out from your pocket and your application will be ruined.
I requested for refund but I was provided exaggerated hours and been told that no refund will be provided. Below is the response I received when I asked for refund:
Dear XXXX,

I hope this email finds you well.

After a thorough investigation into your case by our Disputes Resolution Board we have come to the following conclusions:

As clarified in our terms of use and our retainer, we signed on a lump-sum agreement in which we are committed to providing you an unlimited number of hours in the Canadian System so that you will be able to achieve your final goal, which is a Canadian Permanent Residency. Even though in a lump sum agreement, both parties involved are committed to the process and its costs to which you willfully consented, UIS Canada may at its sole discretion agree to refund the initial fees paid subject to a deduction for the time so far spent on the case at an hourly rate of USD 400 per hour.

The time and resources that we have invested into this case billed hourly as per terms of disengagement is equivalent to USD 5,395. The time and resources invested as from our end is something that has been spent and thus see no reasonable way to reimburse you these fees as we ourselves will not be able to recuperate their value. We still offer to keep this as credit viable to you and are willing to process further services if you wish.

Regarding the billable hours since February 8th, 2021:

1. Registration, Online application, fill out forms and evaluation of case: 0.5 hours

2. Collection and QA of documents and information, customer support: 0.5 hours

3. Discussions, guidance and support via Support, Account Management: 8 hours

4. Guidance and support from our immigration team in order to prepare and complete the evaluation: 3 hours

5. Guidance and support from our immigration team in order to review and verify basic documentation: 2 hours

6. Guidance and support from our immigration team to review and verify M803 form: 1.5 hours

7. Guidance and support from our immigration team to review and verify WES assessment and IELTS results: 2 hours

8. Guidance and support from our immigration team to prepare and submit Express Entry application: 3 hours

9. Communications with our immigration and support teams for general inquiries: 1 hour

After analyzing your case, we have concluded that your case is unfortunately not eligible for a refund, as described above.


Date of experience: March 17, 2022