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1 review
0 helpful votes

Do not use this company!
March 12, 2023

I strongly advise against using this particular company and recommend seeking services elsewhere. While my issue was technically "resolved," I will never again use this company and urge others to stay away as well.

Initially, I contacted the company and requested a call back from an agent to discuss their services. The conversation began pleasantly enough, and the information provided was helpful at first. However, my suspicions were raised when they requested my credit card number to confirm my eligibility for their services - red flag number one. Despite this, I continued speaking with the agent and was ultimately convinced to agree to installment payments.

During the call, I was promised that I would be sent documents outlining everything discussed and the terms and conditions. However, these documents were never sent. Later, I was put on another call with a separate person to collect all of my details, and again I was promised that these documents would be sent to me - but they never arrived.

The following day, after still not receiving the promised documents, I emailed the company to inform them that I wanted to cancel the process. Unfortunately, I did not receive any feedback. Instead, I received an email asking me to approve the use of my credit card details - red flag number two. This upset me because they wanted me to sign documents to approve money withdrawals without ever sending me the terms and conditions. I sent three emails during the week that went unanswered. Finally, I threatened to take my issue to social media, and I received an instant response - indicating that the company likely has a filter to search emails for these types of complaints.

After scheduling a call with another agent, I initially felt that my concerns were being taken seriously. However, I was ultimately grey-rocked for another two weeks. I had requested that the services be stopped within 24 hours, but I was told that I had already agreed to the services. This was not true - I had only agreed to the initial call. Additionally, I was told that their services were exempt from the 24-hour cool-off period rule, which was also not true according to Australian law.

Eventually, the company apologized for the miscommunication and stated that they would not charge me any further but would still offer the promised service. When I received the results, the form was incomplete and information was missing. I asked again where the documents were that I was supposed to complete and received no response.

Later, I was asked to schedule another call. I provided my availability, but what followed was the worst customer service experience I have ever had. As someone who has worked in the service industry as a waiter, call center agent, and receptionist, and has lived, traveled, and worked in different countries, I have never been exposed to such terrible service. The person on the call was pushy and would not let me talk or listen to me. Several times, I had to repeat myself. Eventually, I told them I would like to end the conversation. His response was "Do you want to move to Australia?" I told him that at that moment, I did not care and that I would rather speak with someone else.

After the call, I sent an email, but again, I received no response. It seemed like the only time things happened quickly was when they were about to take my money. A couple of days later, someone finally contacted me, and we arranged a suitable time to talk. The person was helpful and answered my questions well, but I ultimately chose not to continue with the company due to the numerous incidents that had occurred.

Moving is already a costly and stressful experience, and paying a company to help only adds to the expense. I believe that customers should be treated with respect and decency and that agreements should be honored. I understand that businesses need to make money, but they should treat people better.

Tip for consumers:

If I was given the information I was promised I would receive.

Date of experience: March 12, 2023