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3 reviews
16 helpful votes

Very toxic community and unfair website! Stay away!
October 29, 2024

I really don't like this site because the few streamers that I support here don't support me back as well and they don't respond to my whispers or private messages anymore! I hate it when people don't support me back especially when I already cheered or subbed to them for so many times already! :| I wish they also support me back as well and talk to me so it will be fair for my side since I am trying to find like-minded or new friends on this site but it seems that they are not interested to me at all despite being a nice person overall! It's hard especially that I am a really small streamer and even though I stream very seldom, at least my content is different than most of the streamers here! A lot of the streamers that I used to watch from 2022 and below are not streaming in this site anymore and it shows that this is not a good site anymore! And by the way, I hate some of the changes in this site as well, like when the streams are automatically played whenever I log in on my Twitch mobile app, and also the new collaborations feature, I really hate it very much since I hate it when one of my favorite streamers collaborate with another streamer that I am not interested in! Stop copying my favorite underrated electronic artist from Germany even if they've collaborated with some many artists already! I have a feeling that they've copied them with that new unexpected feature! It was better before those new unexpected changes and features was added! Your site's just getting worse, besides your toxic community! Don't neglect or ignore small streamers like us, especially that I don't like the VTubers trends as well and prefers handsome face cam streamers instead (but not toxic people)! I wish this site should go away and Twitch should be banned or stopped since it just makes people worse! I cannot find that streamer or person who is almost similar to me, so I think Twitch is not for me... I know I could meet more true and genuine friends in real life than on this website! Some of the streamers whom I've subbed before have changed now and his community even attacked me even though I was very nice to that streamer, but that top donator b*tchy girl of that streamer talked about something else that I really don't like, so I don't watch that partner streamer anymore and will delete my account soon because of that! I will definitely learn from this experience and will not use this streaming site anymore! Hayz! :|

Tip for consumers:

Most people in this site are just fake or toxic people... Don't visit this site if you are a sensitive guy like me who doesn't like toxic, arrogant or fake people and VTubers... And also I really hate it when people don't support me back or respond to my private messages, so it's really unfair on my side... Tsk tsk! People nowadays are getting worse to be honest! Hayz! :|

Products used:

Twitch bits, subscriptions

Date of experience: October 29, 2024