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1 review
1 helpful vote

November 21, 2021

11/20/2021 - We have friends that use Turo when traveling. We decided to try it. My wife went on their website and reserved a Chevy SUV from Michael M in Tampa Florida. We live in San Diego. Got up at 3am to catch our flight, had a layover in Houston, got to Tampa at 6pm. My wife had been in contact with Michael a couple of times letting him know when we were going to be picking it up. The day we flew in, we could not get a hold of him. He did not answer our texts nor return our phone calls. It costs us $35 ($30 Lyft ride + $5 tip) to get from the airport to his place. He was nowhere to be found, it was now 7pm and it was not the safest neighborhood. If my wife were by herself, it would not have been a good situation. We called Turo, they couldn't get a hold of him and now we were at the mercy of the "Legit" car rental companies to hopefully get a rental. My wife called Lyft and back to the airport (another $35) we went. Was able to get a rental from Thrifty (BIG THANK YOU to THIRFTY) and headed to our hotel in Clearwater. Turo said they will reimburse us for the rental (really, I'd hope so, they were talking about giving us a credit for future rides, HAHAHAHA) and $50 more toward the Lyft charges. We wanted to leave a review about Michael M on their website so the next person would know, but there is NO place on the Turo website to do that. We even called Turo the next day inquiring how to warn others; we were told there is no way. Bottom Line: if you use Turo, you have no idea who you are actually renting from or what area you are going to be picking it up from or even if they are going to show. If it weren't for Thrifty we would have been in a real crisis; renting from Turo costs us two extra hours of an already long day and (as long as they follow through with reimbursements) $20 in Lyft charges (they would only reimburse $50).

Date of experience: November 21, 2021