38 reviews for Trustpilot are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
1 review
2 helpful votes

March 20, 2020

Update: wow. Reviews now limited to 4000 chars. So Trustpilot don't want you to write information about websites. Trustpilot. Don't. Want. Information. About. Websites.

(if I was being cynical) I might say Trustpilot isn't a review site.

I wouldn't say that Trustpilot is a data mining/profiling site, to collect information on what website's are associated with various email addresses. I wouldn't say that. What I would say, is that if I wanted to data mine and profile what websites email addresses are associated with for advertising purposes, trustpilot is the sort of site I would create.

Relying 100% on automated software to remove reviews isn't so much of an issue. What is an issue, is zero reply to emails enquiring about this. Removing reviews isn't quite a positive policy, because these reviews exist elsewhere on the web, and you reduce the value of your own site by removing them.

Curiously, after several months and several emails, the only time I got a reply from trustpilot, was when I 'deleted' the review they had 'silenced'. So trustpilot replied to me moderately promptly, as soon as they weren't able to help. And didn't reply for months, while they could. Which is... curious.

Also when they reply to your query, the subject line of their email is "> Case Closed!". Even if your case is not closed. Somewhere in their email it says "please reply to this email". I don't know why some old people (and some other people) find the Internet confusing.

It's reasonable that trustpilot don't allow swear words in reviews on their site. There is no way to ask a human to clear that a review is acceptable. The method they use for clearance, is automatic software checking, and the report button.

I mean, actually having the facility to have a human being clear a review for publication... would... just... be... effort, no?

TP also have the policy of one account per person. This is highly useful, if say, you are a garage that received a 1-star review, and can then see what flower shops, garden centres and hairdressers that person uses.

£800? I've heard from several unconfirmed independent sources, that if you are the company being reviewed, for £800 (probably per year) trustpilot will remove negative reviews of your company.

If I write this on trustpilot, they might remove ALL my reviews. Their house their rules. (the question is, do I trust trustpilot?... apparently not.)

"the internet of things". Website/service doesn't work, doesn't reply to emails.

Date of experience: March 20, 2020