I was given an unused Toyhou.se account and it was great and then I decided to make my own two accounts and i wanted to add an art peice for an oc and I clicked the wrong image for the oc and people started to call me out that the oc was stollen And they started to post pictures of the stollen oc and i replied to them that in the morning i would change the picture and so when i logged on the next morning all three of my accounts were banned and i sent an email to the toyhouse support team last year saying i apologize for uploading another users oc by accident and to this day i still haven't gotten a response from Toyhou.se support...and my accounts are still banned and to top it off my original account was unbanned and i sent a ticket on my other two accounts apologizing for any stollen ocs and what did the admins do banned my unbanned account for bann evasion. I am currently trying to get my accounts unbanned I have a ton of ocs on my accounts that im wanting to save to my computer but the chances of me being unbanned is ********.1% a problem i saw on toyhouse before getting banned is some of the folks on toyhouse were falsely accusing the innocent people of toyhouse for no reason and asking for personal information inorder to adopt a free or to buy a character which is Illegal and dumb. I am still trying to get my accounts and ocs back to this very day. I even have friends on toyhouse who are fighting on my side to get me unbanned...Toyhouse will respond to their support email about bugs you found on the sight this is what i did one time and they responded to my email but then when i sent them an email asking to be unbanned they ignored my email compleatly
In all there is one admin incharge of toyhouse and 0 mods and the communication with the admin is very bad also toyhouse has been in the testing stage for years with no updates the admin refuses to awnser unrealted bug issues and ignores appeal forms and anything reguarding rule breaking not only that but people who are selling or giving away ocs are asking for personal information