I was in from out of town visiting a friend in Salem, VA on June 10th, and she asked that I take a package to be shipped to this particular post office, before she was moving on this day. I did the favor, and when I had arrived at the USPS location in Salem, VA I approached the counter, and I informed the clerk David (Clerk 23) that I wasn't able to find a small piece of tape to close the front of the box, and asked that I could use a tiny piece just to seal the corner of the box. He replied: "There's tape over there on the wall for ($)." I explained to him that I didn't have any money on me, and that all I needed was a tiny piece of regular tape. Instead of just being courteous, this ignoramus decided to huff and puff like a brat, and tell me, angrily "I will just do THIS!"
I couldn't understand the anger for the life of me! Perhaps he was missing out on one of his "conventions."
He then began to insert my return label in a plastic envelope, and wrapped it around the box, but WITHOUT taping the corner that was still visibly open.
I then asked if he could now put a piece of tape on it, and it then replied "Like I SAID, you can buy the tape up on the wall there for …$!"
I stated, And like I said, I didn't bring any money!
David then had the audacity to show his TRUE COLORS, and ask: "Well how in the hell do you think that you are going to pay for this?! "
I explained to him that I didn't have to pay for it, and that it was a free return; (plus his name is not on my bank account. My money is none of his business unless I in fact needed to make a purchase there, and provide him the money for the item. I did not, therefore he should have just shut his mouth, and taped the box. Simple as that. That is his job, therefore he needs to conduct himself as a postal clerk. If he wanted to get paid for running his mouth a mile a minute, with what sounds like a bunch of nonsense, then perhaps he should apply for the position of an Auctioneer! That position would be more of his speed, in more ways than one).
Dave then commenced to roll his eyes, put his hand on his hip, huffed, and puffed again, and had the audacity to slam the tape on the counter! In FRONT of other customers I must add.
I then informed him that I would be reporting him, and the temper tantrum that he displayed in front of customers, and "Super Dave" decided to put on his rusty cape and say:
"Gooo ahhheeeaadddd then! Make my day!"
The comedy of it all. Such a despicable display.
I then told him that I sure will, because his complaint is coming.
As I walked away, this boy decided to converse with the customers in line about me. Unbelievable! Unacceptable!
If this is the way this particular location allows their employees to conduct themselves, and treat customers in such a distasteful way, I feel sorry for the rest of the customers. This person shouldn't even have access to the post office- he appeared as if he was going "postal" right before my eyes today.
After his performance today, he should be terminated. Expeditiously. No telling what he will do next.
If you by any chance live in Virginia, and need to travel through Salem, VA, while needing to mail something off, please do not stop at the post office there, because if this particular individual (clerk 23) is still working there, you will more than likely not end up with a pleasant experience- and in the event that his garbage-level behavior reflects on how the rest of the employees are, yeah, you would be advised to find another post office.
He would’ve NEVER treated a REAL MAN like that:)
None. My friend’s return was free. This was at the post office in Salem,VA