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North Dakota
7 reviews
13 helpful votes

I have some mixed feelings about TT.
January 15, 2019

I planned on ordering a Timeless Trends corset shortly after I ordered my very first corset from another company. The one I was interested in was apart of their hourglass lite collection, and I'd heard great things about it from a friend of mine. The regular price ($65) was reasonable, and the sale price ($55) was also great. I was willing to pay either, and the $9 shipping charge.

I had some concerns with ordering from Timeless Trends. With the other company I ordered from, the corset's specific measurements were in the description. I couldn't find these measurements with any TT corsets, anywhere on the site, or anywhere else for that matter. I have a shorter torso, so length of each different points on the corset is very important to me.

When I finally decided to just go ahead and order one, I found the site was down for maintenance/updates. I checked back everyday waiting for it to be back up. It finally was after waiting for what felt like forever, and I was incredibly saddened to find the hourglass lite collection was being clearances out, and the size I needed was gone entirely. The new ones that were identical to the hourglass lite ones were $80. With how unsure of the dimensions I still was, I wasn't willing to spend nearly $100.

A few weeks later, I decided on a limited edition that was price dropped from over $100 to $75 or so. It was even more of a gamble because this was final sale, no returns. I accepted that, and placed my order.

Shipping took no time. The corset was packaged beautifully. I have no complaints there.

The corset itself was just breathtaking. I was beyond excited to lace up the first time, but i quickly found the laces to be really short. Once I did get it on, I had no trouble getting down to about a 3 inch gap, so I knew the issue was definitely the laces and not the size being wrong for me. I have since ordered new, longer lacing.

I do have one issue with the corset. I find that the corset will slightly turn on me as I am wearing it because I have very uneven ribs (one coming to a single point, the other to a double point). I don't have this issue with other corsets, so I am lead to believe it has to do with the "cupped" ribs on the TT one. I was looking to add a review directly to their site, but it is not an option. While looking through the corsets on their site, I did notices this same sort of turning in many of the images provided. I don't know whether it is a normal occurrence, but I do worry the eventually my corset will become permanently deformed. With how much I paid, I would expect it to last quite some time.

I don't know if I'd order from TT in the future. The price hikes with the recent update to their site make me a lot more hesitant to consider them when ordering a new corset.

Date of experience: January 14, 2019