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New York
6 reviews
26 helpful votes

NEVER ever use this "service" and DON'T buy as they cheat those who send their stuff
March 26, 2019

It's complete rip-off for sellers. Sell on other sites or donate to legit charity. DO NOT BUY also!

Tip for consumers:

PLEASE, see on youtube reviews from several people who had very BAD experience. I wish I had done my homework before ever sending them anything. I would have rather sent to a legitimate charity than their "scam" business model!!

Products used:

I filled up the large plastic bag they sent me with good quality merchandise and shoes. Glad that I had asked for them to send back what they don't like to sell for me. It was so hard to find that button on the site! They only credited me with $7 and when I closed the account, they sent me with "invalid" gift card!! The $7 I cannot even USE!!! So it's waste of time and I would NEVER BUY from them, as that means others are being cheated!

Date of experience: March 26, 2019