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1 review
5 helpful votes

Todd, go ahead and respond to this
September 7, 2013

Todd, go ahead and respond to this. Apparently it's the only way to get a hold of you. I've been trying to get a response about a party bus from Ft. Myers to Miami for the Dolphins-Ravens game. I got a response after calling literally 50 times and was told they have to fill the bus and I would be kept updated. HA! I talked to Debbie through FB (yes, not even a personal call) and was informedinformmycallsed that todd would be back from China September 1st and I would know something. Guess what? It's the seventh and I've called multiple times everyday and not one sliver of communication. Go ahead, deny my claims. I'll post the FB message and times and dates of all mycalls

Date of experience: September 7, 2013