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2 reviews
2 helpful votes

I called them out of curiosity and now I have a negative account balance with a baby to look after.
February 25, 2021

I called them inquiring about their services and rates. They started raiding my phone after I asked them many times to give me a few months to think about it as my business is new. They kept calling with some excuse or another and kept bothering me to sign up with them for approximately $150/mth but caving and saying ok, it was $195/mth. I said that it is too much and I cannot afford, would you know it... they persisted till I signed up with them.

After a few weeks we fell into serious financial problem and emailed and repeatedly asked if I could cancel as these are hard times and I really cannot afford them anymore, I even told them I have a 2 year old to take care of. I am not even conducting my business anymore due to our financial problems. The same person who wouldn't stop raiding my phone is now unreachable after weeks of contacting her. The whole time (so far 5 months) I had their service, I only got one real lead and the rest were fake. I know they're fake because all the leads were in the exact same format with just a few words replaced, and when you reply, it's someone trying to scam me by offering to send ridiculous amounts of check and trying to get me mail the surcharge to them (about 2/10)... ya ook! Or just a ghost (about 7/10). I thought there was an automated format for people to use to reach out to vendors but there isn't... just a format for this company's "Fake Lead Department" to use regularly! Spoke to many people and all agree with their experience of fake leads and scammers from this company. They are definitely involved in illegal activities! I wish I can afford a lawyer to hire and investigate in these unethical practices!

Now after a few months of being ignored by them I had to report my card lost when I did, and after one missed payment... they started raiding my phone again and my email! Now they force charged my bank account somehow even after reporting the card I provided them as stolen... how is that even possible?! Now amidst COVID pandemic and unemployment, I have a NEGATIVE bank balance with a toddler to look after! They are very unethical company with blatantly ignorant illegal activities!

If some lawyer sees this and would like to sue them, I would like to get involved. I am in an extremely difficult situation with a baby in our home because of this company, and all of our struggles seem to be a big joke for these criminals!

Date of experience: February 25, 2021