1 review for Freeze Pipe is not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Expensive Gimmick, Doesn't Work, Support your Local Headshop
August 15, 2023

I have been smoking Cannabis for over twenty-two years and I've never paid more than $50 for a bong. When I heard Freeze Pipe advertised on the IDKAT podcast I figured I'd give it a shot based on how much they were raving about it. I've had my fair share of harsh "Buzzkill" hits so this sounded great.

I got the new Mini-Bong/Ash Catcher/Flower Kit bundle along with a cleaning kit and spare 14mm bowl, the whole nine yards. I'm not new to using a bong but I went ahead and watched all the tutorials to make sure I was doing it right. Everything checked out, the glycerin chamber had been in the freezer for three hours so it was ready to go. Loaded it up with a fresh grind, took a nice gentle pull, and had one of the harshest hits I've ever had. My throat and lungs were on fire, the exact opposite of what I expected, WTF? My $40 bong doesn't even hit that harsh so this was a shock

I waited a few for my throat and lungs to recover, checked the water levels, etc. Tried another one and had the same result. Yes, there is a very subtle cooling effect but it is not a "night and day" difference from my $40 "standard" bong and certainly not the "game changer" the podcast was advertising it to be (Thanks a lot Jim).

Also, cleaning it is a pain, good luck getting the resin out of the honeycomb filter in the bowl. Even after soaking for several days in Formula 420 cleaning solution for small parts it still won't come off. It takes ten minutes to clean my regular bong, this thing takes about thirty if you really want it clean (even then the bowl has resin left in it).

Bottom line, I threw away $260 on a overly complicated gimmick that doesn't deliver. The glycerin chamber warms up after about fifteen to twenty minutes and as stated, even right out of the freezer it doesn't do much. And, if you try to keep it cold (again, it doesn't really matter) by putting it in the freezer between hits you get "smoke frost" all over your lips, boy that tastes "great"!

I really wanted to love this thing but I just feel like an idiot for spending so much money on a product that is really just an overpriced standard bong with a useless attachment. Maybe the larger models work better but I'm not spending the money to find out, back to the $40 bong for me.

Speaking of that, their whole "Headshops overcharge for cheap glass" schtick is crap too. This bong isn't any better quality-wise then my $40 bong (which actually works better), so support your local dispensary/headshop and don't waste your money on this nonsense.

Tip for consumers:

They only publish positive reviews and you can't submit one via their site which is why I am here. I don't usually leave bad reviews but when something costs this much, doesn't deliver and there is no refund/customer satisfaction policy then I will absolutely share my bad experience.

Products used:

The Mini-Bong bundle, total rip-off. They shipped my order quickly and it didn't break in transit so I'll give them three stars for service (Two stars left off because they use and charge for FedEx Ground who are horrible). Plus you have to buy "shipping insurance" otherwise if something goes wrong and the package is lost or damaged you are out of luck. Everything else about this purchase is a one star rating.

Date of experience: July 16, 2023
1 review for Freeze Pipe is not recommended