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Tate / Tate Britain
October 17, 2011

Tate / Tate Britain - Major London Art Gallery - Art from 1500 to the present day.

The Tate Gallery bills itself as the home of British art from 1500 to the present day. The original gallery at Millbank on the north bank of the Thames in London is now known as 'Tate Britain'

If your taste is for classic British painters such as Hogarth, Turner, Blake and Constable, or you prefer 20th Century offerings from Bacon, Spencer, Moore and Hepworth, Tate Britain is the destination for you.

'Young British Artists' (YBAs) from the 1990s – Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Cornelia Parker are also well represented – whether their work should even be classed as 'art' provokes many discussions!

Top rank works from Picasso, Klimpt, Dali, Warhol, Rothko, Degas, Pollock, Braque, Magritte, head up the international offerings.

In short, there is a stunning and wide collection of artistic work on display – Tate Britain is a gallery which will manage to please nearly all visitors.

The website is extensive, and most artists and collections can be searched. It will give you up to date information on current and future exhibitions, tell you how to reach the gallery and provide information on the sister galleries of Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool and Tate St. Ives.

If you're interested in art, the website is well worth a visit:


Of course, images on computer screens are not the same as the real thing – if you are visiting London and like art, Tate Britain is 'must see' for your list.

If you can't manage a visit, one of their latest developments is a good second best – a rolling slideshow of some of their best works:


Still in beta version, it will no doubt be improved, but even in beta it has some great images. Enjoy!

Date of experience: October 17, 2011