Took an hour for her to get started. She was 45 min late as well.
Has fake reviews (as do most of these "cleaner" people do on Taskrabbit.
Claimed in her description that she brings materials, equipment and has eco friendly products. And that they are professional and experienced. That was a lie.
She only brung a bucket with dirty rags, and cheap 1.99 floor cleaner with her.
She spent over 1 hour cleaning dishes just for them to not be clean. Glasses had all obvious residue on them including my plates and things. I had her rewash them and they still weren't cleaned properly. So now I have to do it myself because she clearly wasted my time. She also used up the rest of my expensive dish detergent when I already gave her the proper amount. Yet my dishes still have food residue on them and they're not clean.
She cleaned my 1 bathroom that wasn't really that dirty and didn't properly clean the entire glass shower doors. I believe she used the same rag to clean my toilet and my sink, which is disgusting and a safety hazard.
I made it clear on the booking that I only needed her to clean my dishes, clean 1 bathroom and mop and sweep. She wasted time by cleaning and touching other things I didn't want her touching and throwing things away that wasn't trash. Thank god I looked over everything and checked my house which was anxiety inducing.
She had an odor (fishy and like she needed a shower)
She came dressed like she was either homeless or just rolled out of bed in unkempt saggy clothing.
She barely spoke English and we had to constantly communicate via a translate app which was a huge inconvenience and struggle. Because I still had to babysit her, keep telling her what to clean and how to clean it. I was busy and the entire time I was stressed out and anxious that this incompetent person was wasting my time when she clearly isn't a professional and doesn't know what she's doing. This seems to be a common theme and they are usually Russian.
She was trying to get away with barely mopping my floor and not putting effort into it, by only lightly grazing the mop on the floor just to wet it. Which clearly doesn't clean it. I had to shown her how to do that and keep being interrupted from what I was doing instead of relaxing.
She had trouble knowing how to clean basic things. Professional? That's a lie.
Overall, she wasted my time and completely pissed me off. Ruined my evening.
This seems to be a recurring theme with these Taskrabbit cleaners: They have fake reviews (that they can easily have added to their profiles), they charge a ridiculous hourly amount but their service is really valued at $10/hour. Not $70. They don't come prepared. They don't truly don't know how to clean. They have no training. They are trying to make easy money and they have all their friends and family join the app to make easy money by scamming people who really need their houses clean. I have caught a few of them posting fake images claiming that was their work (I used reverse image search).
This isn't the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time. This is a pattern and I'm officially done with Taskrabbit because they allow all these foreign people who don't know what they're doing to continue to do this. Newsflash, I canceled my card so you won't get a dime out of me for this. Thanks for nothing, once again. Good luck with your pathetic $#*!yy business model and fake workers who are ruining your reputation as a brand. I will find real housekeepers who actually know what they're doing.