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1 review
3 helpful votes

Order of over $1500 CAD stolen in warehouse and failed to compensate
May 11, 2020

This is going to be very lengthy and you should read it thoroughly only if you're seriously considering buying something on Taobao. So i ordered a bunch of stuff on taobao, totaling probably around $3000 CAD. These small parcels were shipped from each individual sellers (These sellers were legit domestic sellers) to this warehouse that Taobao outsourced, and at the warehouse they were separated into three larger parcels to be shipped over sea.

After about half a month, they claim they've lost one of my large parcels in the warehouse, and they're only willing to refund me $400 CAD for it (Parcel worth over $1500). I began negotiating with customer service, which was like hell because this company doesnt centralize anythingm they outsource their shipping provider and shipping company (Yes, one shipping provider the other is the shipping company) so I had to go to different customer service people describing what happened over and oevr again, until finally they've agreed to pay me back in full. Plot twist, a day later they claim they found my parcel and its expedited, so it should be arriving in Canada anytime now. I was super happy, only a few days later to find out that parcel wasnt even mine, they gave me the tracking number for someone else's order (Coincidentally, someone who also lives in the Toronto area). I went to the shipping provider's customer service and they confirmed that all the shipping details doesnt match, the address, name, phone number, and even the contents of the parcel don't match (I ordered some model kits and this parcel was a musical book), so she said let her look into it and asked me to check again the next day. The next day I went back and she started saying that the parcel has been delivered and its mine, ignoring all the evidence (Those that she sent me the night before) that I provided. So there you go, my experience with TAOBAO is absolutely $#*!, a incompetent Amazon wannabe that cant even straignten up their customer service department. This entire process spanned over one and a half month, and I'm tired of it. I'm in the process of arguing for my money back, but who knows if they'll give it back. Come to think of it, this entire "Parcel recovered" thing maybe was just a plot to put the blame on me. If you're considering buying something from TAOBAO thats expensive, trust me, don't do it. It's not going to be worth the time, effort, and risk. Best of luck.

Date of experience: May 11, 2020