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South Carolina
1 review
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Family Fun Mothers Day Treats: Cooking Class
May 13, 2023

I purchased this cooking class for my mom and I for Mother's Day. I was highly disappointed to find out during this class we only made one thing from scratch, the rest of the items were pre made. Everyone was split into groups of four, so we had to take turns making our dish even though the price for the class is extremely expensive. It gets worse! Our chef was EXTREMELY rude! Someone in my class asked for water as the chef was walking away from her, the Chef responded with an attitude that she was clearly helping someone else and rolled her eyes. When my group received a bowl of milk like substance to create whipped topping, the chef came and dipped her bare hands into our bowl to get out a piece of "dill" and kept putting her hands in our food trying to retrieve it, instead of just getting us fresh ingredients. That was extremely gross, and unsanitary, I couldn't believe that she wanted us to eat after she did that. When it came time to show the class how to do certain steps she used our food as an example so that you had less work to do, or used your materials so that you wouldn't have enough to go around your group. In this case she used soooo much of our icing trying to show the class how to decorate cup cakes, I asked could we get more, and she responded soo rudely as if she wasn't the reason we didn't start with much. While I was spreading cream on my short cake, creating something I would enjoy eating, she stops the class to let them know that what I was doing was NOT correct and I needed to add more cream to make my dessert sexy! She took the bowl and spatula out of my hand and drowned my pastry/ short cake in cream. (This is the same cream she continues to put her fingers in to retrieve "dill") I was soo pissed, and she looked at me and said well I think I added too much, what do you think? It took everything I had not to walk out of class. This was the WORSE cooking experience I have EVER had. Do NOT waste your money coming to Sur La Table cooking class off of six forks rd. Raleigh NC.

Be ware that these are NOT classes for you and your guest to work together and enjoy a cooking experience. Instead you are literally sharing ingredients between four people. If you do decide to attend this location hopefully you don't get the rude, unsanitary chef that I had! SAVE YOUR MONEY!

Tip for consumers:


Products used:

Cooking Class

Date of experience: May 13, 2023