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3 reviews
10 helpful votes

No support, Ban without breaking any rules
October 13, 2019

TL/DR: The forum is hard to get on and the mods will ban you for anything/nothing. The game is basically Farmville, with no support if anything happens from supercell. Rule of life - never risk giving money to a company that has bad support because if a mistake happens and they over charge "I wanted $10 not $1000) there is no way to get your money back. The company is in another country, what are you going to do... go in person?
I play clash of clans so I wanted to be able to get on their forum to discuss the game, recruit and give them ideas.
It took over 3 years to finally get on the site because their system had some screwy setup that prevented you from actually making an account without going to another place in it before and after your attempt. I had sent their support about 30 emails periodically over that time; They have never replied.
Finally figured the site out, weird but fine finally here. I see a lot of ideas that I wanted to share already posted in forum. My favorite idea had been there for about 4 years with a lot of pages of others showing support for it. I add a post and start talking back and forth with someone else who likes that idea which keeps it near the top for a few days. The conversation ends so after a day or two I bump it, and immediately get threatened by a mod that I am not allowed to "bump" a thread and have to add something new to it. I'm fine with this. So I read all the pages and add a unique suggestion that really helped the thread/idea. Within the hour they delete that post then lock the thread down, then get on an a player account and try to blame me for it... Why do I think it was a mods alternate player account - when I responded with "I didn't "bump" it, my post was a new idea for the thread. I'd show you but the mod knew it wasn't against the rules so he deleted it so you couldn't see it" - that thread was locked within a few minutes (about the time it takes to log off one account and log into another), Then I get another warning...
I try to post a few more times in the forum but the mod basically stalks me and pretends everything I post is against the rules and bans me. FYI, other than the one bump, I never broke any rules. I just apparently got on the nerves of one mod so he made sure I got banned.
Supercell has proven many times they don't care what people want and if anything goes wrong, or glitches they just make proving it so inconvenient most won't do it (it's their game BUT for some reason they need you to use another device to make a recording, then open a youtube account to upload it and link them the replay, at which point you will have many more months of trying to get through a conversation with them for them to say something like well there isn't anything we can do now since that was so long ago, or just there is nothing we can do about that but please enjoy the game and we totally value you...
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that supercell are so bad. They stole a game (I played backyard monsters about a decade before this game came out which is the same), and the way they add stuff and put things out seems more like accidents than purposeful. It's like they stole the game code but didn't really know how it works so when they poke at it and something happens they pretend it was on purpose and say it's a new addition.
No matter what I refuse to ever give money to a company who customer support is so bad that if they screw up and add some extra 0's on the purchase you'd never get the money back. I have found multiple bugs in the game but support is nearly 100% automated. I tried to speak to one about a bug I found in game for 3 months every day, and never got a human; just automated responses.

Date of experience: October 11, 2019