15 reviews for Stripe are not recommended
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3 reviews
7 helpful votes

Stripe Is Stealing Money
October 21, 2024

Stripe Is Stealing Money – BEWARE!

I am absolutely OUTRAGED by Stripe's despicable actions. After using their services in good faith, delivering all products and services to my customers without a single complaint or dispute, they suddenly REFUNDED ALL payments (almost $7,000!) to my clients WITHOUT ANY REASONABLE EXPLANATION. This is nothing short of THEFT!

Stripe has essentially stolen my hard-earned money, refunding satisfied customers who already received the services they paid for (some services are delivered 3 months ago). And why? Because they suddenly decided my business is "too risky" after passing every verification and submitting every document they requested! How is that even legal? Do they just make up the rules as they go?

Their so-called "support" is a complete joke, offering zero help, and refusing to reconsider. My business is now suffering, and Stripe doesn't care one bit. If you value your money and your business, STAY AWAY from Stripe. They are unreliable, dishonest, and will rob you blind without warning!

Unbelievably unprofessional and outright disgraceful. NEVER AGAIN.

Stripe Account ID: acct_1PdG6W2Md8rmJyw5

Date of experience: October 21, 2024
15 reviews for Stripe are not recommended