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3 reviews
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Another horrible Starbucks experience...
December 13, 2022

Yet another person with a Horrible Experience at a Starbucks... Specifically, the Starbucks at Johnson Creek Crossing in Portland, Oregon. I was trying to give my order at the drive-thru, but apparently the person who was taking it couldn't hear me very well. A short, decaf vanilla mocha non-fat no-whip. Still, she had every thing right but the vanilla, so when she asked me if it was right, I said "Everything but the vanilla." She said she was having trouble hearing me, so I said loudly "Va-nil-la!" She said she was still having trouble hearting me, and for some unknown reason changed the drink to a grande vanilla latte, so I said loudly "Moch-a!" and then asked her why she changed the drink/size? She said she more about not being able to hear me, so in a very loud voice I said "SHORT... DECAF... VANILLA... MOCHA. NONFAT... NO WHIP" At which point she said I was treating her badly and refused to take my order. After some pointless back and forth I asked for the manager. She claimed she was the manager. I asked for the contact information for her supervisor. She insisted that I come up to the window, and after waiting for other customers, I did, and she gave me the business card for her supervisor. I asked for her name, which she refused to give me because I was being "too aggressive". She also claimed that the name on her apron was not really hers. I asked for a way to identify her with the supervisor and she would only give me three digits from her employee number.

Suffice to say, after telling me multiple times she couldn't hear me and then, in a clearly passive aggressive manner, refusing to take my order when I tried saying it loudly enough so that she could hear me, I find it hard to imagine ever wanting to put myself through this again. It's a shame - after 30 years of patronage, I think I'm done with Starbucks over-priced drinks and childish staff. It's not the first time I've experienced immature Starbuck staff, but it will be the last.

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Date of experience: December 13, 2022