Hiya, I recently ordered my Mom's Beautiful perfume from here. She's 90 and blind but still wants to smell good and I got her hooked on estee lauder's beautiful back in the 80s. Anyhoo I always shop around and see who offers the most goodies with purchase. This perfume is expensive, so we need those goodies. Stage this time did. We were supposed to get a 7 piece beautiful skin and defined eyes and lips set, estee lauder 2 piece smooth and glow gift with purchase, pick three free gift with purchase and a mystery gift with purchase. The perfume bottle was 88.20. Anyhoo. I ordered it for my mom and submitted it all fine. Next day I look for the tracking number etc. and it shows on my account the order has been cancelled. I immediately called, since they did not even have the courtesy to tell me even with an automated message - and I get 10 automated messages a day it seems from them about sales etc., to tell me it was cancelled. I got on the phone with a nice lady and she apologized and said the system cancelled it because it was my parents card and not mine. No worries she says and she said she fixed it. She also told me that she would have them make it an expedited shipping, free of charge, for our inconvenience, not the first time I have done this. My Mom is 90 and blind. She doesn't drive to the store to shop much... anyhoo. I wait and wait. I look online, my order still says cancelled. I call again, not the nicest person comes on and says no. It's cancelled. Very abrupt and why are you bothering me attitude here geesh lady. I try to stay calm and explain and ask to please check again, I spoke to a nice lady and she told me she fixed it. Oh. Hang on... well this lady seemed to actually have someone manually do an order, she states. Blablabla So, I finally get the perfume. No expedited shipping by the way. And NO goodies... nothing, not even a new receipt in the box. So I'm like. So what did they actually charge. Who knows... I call to inquire about the goodies and this lady, who I am bothering as well, tells me no, no goodies coming, they weren't actually available when you ordered. Um WHAT?>? I asked here why on GOD's green earth would I buy this from you guys without the gifts. I would have bought it from Macy's or Estee Lauder etc. oh well. Sorry... ya. And she went on to explain on how the gifts aren't really available when it says they are on the website... I have to return this expensive perfume now and find somewhere else to shop. They couldn't care less that I was unhappy. Not one drop. No place to leave a review of my order or review of my phone calls. Oh, they never responded to emails to customer service either. I am going to post this all over too. What a disgrace and maybe employ some people who actually want to help a customer who is giving their hard earned money. Unlike theirs! ********** is the order number