4 reviews for StackOverflow are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
Hong Kong
1 review
6 helpful votes

Worst site for asking questions ever
November 24, 2023

Well, every time when I search for a coding problems, this site just shows me question and answer which are totally bs for the problems I met, most of them are unrelated of course, I just can't accept that when a question and answer is so exactly the problem I met, with a lot of upvotes, but it doesn't literally help at all in fact
Well, so far so fine, I will ask by myself when I meet sth, but when it comes to me, I write a question clearfully and post, sure I got my answer, but I also got some downvotes, am I happy? Surely not, just who th are those worst skunkiest anonymous bs? Who gave them the right to downvote whatever they don't like? Are they genius who have already known everything immediately after born? Just why do they have the right to downvote whatever they don't like at any aspects they ever think, as "This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful", so subjectively, I mean maybe it's just because it's not the question they need or they can make money with, or those bs have known it a little early before, however you can't be sure that someone else, even though only one people, may need it badly, isn't it the common sense for every one?
And since that, stackoverflow, you have so poor diversity of questions stack, and so worst quality of answers, why do you even allow those vicious anonymous bs downvotes exist to somehow dictate an open forum? At least show us the downvoters' usernames to let us know just how few questions they have asked or how bs that themselves or their lives truly literally awfully really are!
The one star is for the opposed opinions here against stackoverflow, you are undoubtedly the heroes or heroines

Date of experience: November 24, 2023
5 reviews
2 helpful votes

Toxic, Lazy 'Helpers', and Non-New User Friendly
September 2, 2023

Short Review:

StackOverflow has minimal assistive capabilities. The users on it will mock you for not knowing something. They will then give you 'answers' without explaining how it works. And then they will have you bullied off the site via negative reports. Alongside some good old fashion mockery of course.

I would not suggest the use of this site.

In-Depth Review:

I have asked three questions on StackOverflow in the past month. Resulting responses led me to believe that it is is a helpful site, but it has ineffective moderation. This causes it to be an ineffective site.

My first question, asked to assist in a personal project, got deactivated immediately. After reading their response, I understood how to do better. "Your question is unclear, did not provide enough information, and is now not posted." Understandable, I asked it without any editing or true thought, so I began to edit. After ten to fifteen minutes of editing, I had a new question. It provided information and explanation well enough to recreate the issue. After grammar checking and making sure everything was right, I was ready. I submitted it, and waited for my question to be re-opened. I waited for over an hour before I relented to the system and removed the question. Shortly after this, as I tried crafting a new question, I learned that I has a temporary ban on my account. No longer was I allowed to ask questions until my time was up. Only a day, so I waited, eager to get an answer to my question.

Question two was a revised version of my first question. Much more detailed, backed with hours of attempts to fix it. That day allowed me to have time to test and retest. I was able to provide much more information than previous attempts. All was ready, and I submitted the question with confidence. This time, I would not have to retry, this was it, my answer. I did not get removed, but neither did I get an answer. The first 'answer' was in the form of a comment. A link to another question that had an answer. How useful, and so fast! But no, the question that the link led to was not the same as mine, as described by my question. After a few comments back and forth, I ignored the comment and comment sender. The next answers were all based on prior knowledge of coding, something I have none of, and so helped little. Finally, I got an answer and explanation that helped. Success! If you don't count the hours of people mocking me in pseudo-helpful comments and answers. Or if you don't count the standing -2 report my question has. Oh joy.

My final question was a debugging question, my program was ending before it was suppose to. In short, my code was not completing, and I needed it to or the system would not work. I supplied the part of code that was ending my program, and asked for help on how to fix it. Alongside it, I provided other bits of code, explaining how I tried fixing it. Along with that, I supplied how I attempted to go around the issue, and other bits of information. Within moments, I received 3 negative reports, and I received a notice. "Your question is unclear, did not provide enough information, and is now not posted." The same as question one, almost to the letter. [Question 1 and Question 3 removal reasons edited to make simpler]. To end off this circus act, I removed the question, and received a notification. You've earned the 'Peer Pressure' badge. I received an award for removing a question that got -3 reports. That is insanity.

In all, I have the need to suggest in a strong manner the following:
- If you use StackOverflow, be careful to follow their rules.
- I would not suggest using this site. It is full of toxicity.
- This report comes from my desire to help everyone have a helpful experience on the internet.

To close up this review, I would like to clarify one more thing. Not everyone on StackOverflow is a toxic or inadequate. I wouldn't say anyone is inadequate, but their service is. Please do not spread hate to these individual users, but exercise caution when using it. Stay safe, and stay informed!

Tip for consumers:

StackOverflow is a toxic and generally unhelpful site, and I would not recommend using it for your programming questions.

Products used:

StackOverflow is a question-and-answer website for programmers.

Date of experience: September 2, 2023
1 review
2 helpful votes

Stackoverflow is more then super toxic
April 21, 2023

Many people know stackoverflow. If you are searching for some solution, e.g., in the area of software development, you will most probably find a good answer.

But, it is totally different, if you interact with the stackoverflow community.

Many many high rep people and especially moderators are more than super toxic. Arrogant like hell and completely manic. Especially, most moderators are totally unhelpful.

This is a result of the gamification system used at Stackoverflow. This is even mentioned in the corresponding Wikipedia entry.

So, you can gain reputation by asking or answering questions. At some point in time, you will have a high rep. And, obviously some people cannot cope with getting more and more reputation and beeing a high rep user. They are not mature enough to handle this situation. And go crazy. Especially the moderators, who are elected, feel then even more powerful. Those moderators love to play power games. High rep people even feel like curators and think that they somehow are a part of the SO company.

All this leads to elitist and arrogant and super toxic behaviour, especially against new users.

The Stackoverflow company made a smart decision by implementing this gamification system. They are breeding such lunatic guys to do their work. And in the end, they sell ads and earn money with other services.

And the stupid mods and high rep users, do not even recognize that, becuase there are in their high reputation heaven and feeling sooooo good.

There are even people addicted to this game. You can self ban yourself for a period.

The result of all this is a brutal and extremely toxic behaviour, especially against new users. If a new user dares to ask a question, then after a short time downvoting starts and nasty comments, even contradicting ones are comming in. Unhelpful, no respect, expecting that everybody has 30 years programming experience. Closing and deleting questions after really short time periods.

They call it democratic if TRHEE people can close a question. And if you look, then there are always the same poeple who downvote and close questions. If you have a high rep, then you can see this. So, 10 manic guys can and do destroy a complete tag. And that is what is happening daily.

SO claims that they want to keep their pages clean. But then, why not create a newbie area? Or, allow closing of question only after 1 day? Or stop the comments, where most toxic behaviour can be seen. Show, who downvoted. Or allow downvoting only with comment.

As a summary. SO is good for finding answers, but more than extremely bad for askig questions or interact with the community.

P.S. There is a simple method to stop this downvoting orgies. Upvoting. Do upvote. Get some 20 rep and then you can upvote 40 questions per day. So, goto downvoted questions and upvote them. Everyday 40. If only 10 people would do this for one tag, I would love to see the stupid face of the lunatics.

Date of experience: April 21, 2023
5 reviews
29 helpful votes

Unfriendly, Unprofessional Nazis
March 8, 2016

Unfriendly, Unprofessional Nazis

Date of experience: March 8, 2016