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New York
1 review
14 helpful votes

September 5, 2018

A month ago I purchased 4 XL salt lamps, 2 packs of amber bulbs and a salt bowl with round balls. This has been my awful experience dealing with Spiritual Quest and the owner Rick:

They are incredibly rude. Rick answers the phone very unprofessional. If he is on the other line, he will say "I'm on the other line, I'll call you back" and he will hang up on you. Sometimes he will call you back, sometimes he won't.
Rick quote me one price over the phone and charged my Credit Card for $25.00 more than the quote amount. He had already taken my card over the phone then sent me a receipt with the extra added amount. This is what I believe is called bait and switch. I called him to let him know about the extra amount he charged me and he told me he would refund it. It has been a month and I have yet to receive the refund.
I ordered over $200.00 worth of items from him. It has been a month and have not received part of my order. When I have called, he does not call me back and when I have inquired through email, he does not mention when these items will be sent to me. I have since asked for a refund.
I ordered 2 sets of amber bulbs to be placed in my salt lamps. They sent me 3 clear boxes. This is not what I ordered. When I called him back he said that he doesn't remember our conversation and that he will send them out when he sends the bowl and balls. I have yet to receive the bowl, balls or the amber bulbs.
As stated before, Rick is incredibly rude. In fact, Rick has got to be one of the rudest "business" people I have conducted business with. In my last attempt to resolve the issue, I sent the following email to him:

This is my last attempt to contact your company about my request for a refund of the $25.00 as previously discussed. I have called and I was told I was going to receive a call back and have yet to receive a call back from you. I also sent an email (please see below) without response.

I would also like to inquire about the salt bowl with the salt balls that was paid for on 8/10/2018 but have yet to receive. I understand there was a 2-3 week shipping delay due to back order but would an update on the progress of this order.

I was also advised that the amber colored bulbs I ordered but did not receive (I ordered 2 sets of amber bulbs but only received one) would be shipped out with the salt bowl with balls. I would like to confirm that amber bulbs will indeed, be sent this with order.

If I have not heard back from you by end of business today, I will contact the Better Business Bureau in Carson California to file a complaint. I will also leave a review on google, site jabber and other media outlets letting others know of the poor business practices I've experienced and the poor customer experience I have received. And lastly, I will have to put in a dispute with my bank.

I pride myself in doing business with small companies. I understand that you don't have a lot of employees and are trying to juggle many responsibilities at once. I also understand that small companies are the pillars of our communities. My wish is not add stress to your plate but simply receive the $25.00 refund I was told I would receive and get an update on the item that was purchased yet have not received.

It is with high hopes, that the issues above will be addressed without having to address these issues further involving outside influences.
Thank you

His Response:

" we did it yesterday LADY threaten all you like

It was a courtesy for you on our part go away call your credit card company"

It is apparent that Spiritual Quest Company and the owner Rick does not care about their customers. He is extremely rude, does not value the customer that spends their hard earned money with his company. It amazes me that Spiritual Quest Company sells items to relax but creates such a hostile experience with their customers.
I have contacted my bank to dispute the charges, filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau and will be putting this review on every social media outlet I can. I'm even considering contacting the local news stations in the Paramount, CA area.
Please don't make the mistake I made in doing business with this company. It has been such a nightmare.

Date of experience: September 5, 2018