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1 review
1 helpful vote

Spanz - suck
May 20, 2023

They do not deserve even one star, may1/4 star. The mobile app adversities 25% off first order, only if you order that first time after you get them all your information, that little blog does not pop up again. So they already have all your $#*! about you, which is bull$#*! because they will send 10 text, 10 emails and probably call you 10 times a days. What do they need my phone number for, SPANZ, PLEASE LOSE MY EMAIL, TEXT NUMBER, PHONE, AND ADDRESS! I tried to purchase two pieces, crepe shorts and crepe tan. Total cost $226.00 before tax and shipping. Which is expensive for a girl that buys clearance at Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Ross and Target, spending no more than $25.00. By the way they say shipping is free 5-9 days? The 25% is gone by the way. I signed on the mobile app today to actually buy and guess what a little bull$#*! blog pop up and I also got a text, selected shorts 30% off, but my shorts do not qualify, I type shorts IN THE DSCOUNT BOX and guess what the message is "SHORTS DISCOUNT CODE ISN'T VALID FOR THE ITEMS IN YOUR CART." how about that! DOES IT SAY CERTAIN SHORTS? THE ANSWER IS NO. The shorts I wanted were a little expensive than the shorts on sale but Spanz just amde it that way on my phone app because i DID NOT BUY THE FIRST TIME. I HATE TECHOGOLY, ALSO. IT MESSES WITH PEOPLES LIVES.So guess what I am not buying anything ever from SPANZ and neither will my friends or co workers. Spanz are a bunch of SCAMMERS and we do not deal with scammers. Fraud Alert is Out. I AM PISSED BECAUSE I REALLY LIKED THE SHORTS AND TANK, I WANTED TO BUY. THERE WERE SEREVAL OTHER ITEMS i WOULD HAVE GONE BACK AND PURCHASED, I THINK MY CART WAS UP TO AROUND $450.00. YOU'RE LOST SPANZ. SPANZ SUCKS!

Tip for consumers:

Their clothes are expensive but nice, so I will miss buying from them and recommending them to friends and family. Spanz lost out, I know I am just a very little, little, little, little, little, little piece of the puzzle. I am sad and broken hearted that things turned out this way. Shame on you Spanz.

Products used:

I ended up buying nothing from Spanz and will never buy from them. They are scammers and I do not deal with scammers.

Date of experience: May 20, 2023