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1 review
4 helpful votes

This site and it's main support person have enabled...
September 19, 2010

This site and it's main support person have enabled anonymous defamation and sexual smears to occur twice, propagted by a scottish woman Elaine May Smith, of Stonehaven, Scotland The first instance of Smith sexual harassment and threats is posted online is described here:
Here: http://thetoylanderstpi.com/The_Toylanders/soundclick.html
The second instance is two years later, as Smith adopts the persona Mae B Smith/Auntie Audrie. The nite cap recordings are sexual smears of me, and veiled smears of my wife.
Those recordings are here: http :// www.soundclick. Com/members/default. Cfm? Member=mae%20b%20smith
(see the nite cap selection at the bottom of the page. Smith merged
A childrens story page with these perverse recordings. And exposed children to stories about anal rape, sodomy, perversion, homosexuality, prositution. The actual "proof" of this is written on
A blog.

Byrd has ignored all requests to remove this page. And has actually
Ally byrd of soundclick, has ignored a request fasicilated this page
By separating out the perverse page, and allowing smith to alter it's creation date (something that cannot be done without admin support)
And transfer the stats from the childrens page to the perverted page.
The proofs of two things, the involvement of ally byrd, and the development of the identification of this individuals is here, on a rather long blog that collects all of the evidence over five months.
That blog is here: http://elainesmithstonehaven.blogspot.com/
This is the into page, parts one and two, of the evidence is the short version of the evidence. This intro describes the charactor of the instigator. Elaine May Smith,
This site shows an absolute lack of values for fasciliating persversion, exposing children to it and for allowing sex harassment twice, by Elaine May Smith. They succeeded in getting my complaint removed at the complaint board by operating behind the scenes, like they usually do, and so - if they try to repress free speech here and criticism, I would hope I would be able to see there argument so as to address it. Elaine May Smith is in violation of Soundclicks TOS, but this behavior is also a violation of federal law which states you cannot use the internet anonymously to harass or annoy. The operative principle there, the anomity blocks civil remedies. Smith's identification was many months of hard work, and so the blog is complicated.

Date of experience: September 19, 2010