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1 review
0 helpful votes

Something is wrong with this place and ¯\_()_/¯ isn't a way to handle a situation (see UPDATE below)
June 4, 2020

I tried to go through all official routes and:
1) playing stupid to me doesn't work
2) responding in more than 4 word sentences does work
3) responding period, also works.

My 16$ part was lost in the mail and finding anyone who cares about such a small scale item is tough at this joint. This place is unwilling to file an insurance claim w/FedEx. I call FedEx to see if I can do it and they need SE to 'sign a release' to allow me to do it myself. I guess I'm SOL at this point.

I really hope the Reputation Coordinator, Steven H. Of SE is reading these. Maybe he got canned and that's why this recent rash of poor reviews is occurring (poor damage control)? Maybe there is no such thing as a reputation coordinator and it's a stock photo? Maybe SE has no one at the helm right now?

Anyways, I'm stabbing in the dark above because nothing seems to be going right at the moment and any form of leadership needed to right this sinking ship is sorely lacking. This review was my absolute last form of recourse to at least get the message out that this place is not interested in you and your situation no matter how meager (16$) it appears to be. This is not a good sign and I wish others to try Crutchfield first - they've always done it right and continue to serve as the example for others to follow.

By the way SE, I make 16$ in about 7 minutes at my job. It's not about the money, it's about doing the right thing and providing a clear means to achieve this objective (see Crutchfield note above). If you're really interested in making this right, track me down --> Metra 70-7036 supposedly delivered 5/17 in MD, tracking ends in ********. You find me? I swear I'll make this right on my end and write another review detailing your efforts.

I don't think this is a shady company. I do believe that they're willing to make things right. I don't think that someone needs to go to this extreme to get help (especially for such a low ticket item). SE, you really need to lessen the friction on this process and start listening to the people who pay your bills.

At this point people, I recommend you pass on this place. There are multiple other places where you'll only pay marginally more.

Allyn Rahim (youtube goofball extraordinaire) took the time to personally take an interest in this and fix it fast. I am completely satisfied with the resolution, but regrettably, will try other vendors in the meantime until this experience fades away some more. Upon re-read, I did over react about a 'sinking ship'. In the end though, I feel pretty strongly that something so simple should have been done and over with in a period much less than a month.

Thanks Allyn - looking forward to more videos! You made this right.

Date of experience: June 4, 2020