How can a business advertise that they have a product in stock and then never ship it because it is actually on "backorder"? ASPECTS SUPER DOME BIRD FEEDER BAFFLE $79.99 $89.99 You Save: $10 (11.11%) SKU: ASP182 Availability: In Stock. Then you buy it and pay a high amount for shipping plus their ridiculous $2 fee for handling. I purchased the item on February 9th... I waited two weeks and no updates from the vendor, so I had to inquire via email because they do not care to tell you or send you an email saying "the item is NOT REALLY in stock is on backorder" after you believed it was. LIARS! Then almost a month later no updates (March 3rd) about when the items will ever ship. At this point, I was able to buy the same item from a REPUTABLE local business at half of the price. I requested to cancel the item, and OH SURPRISE: We WON'T REFUND YOU the full amount; we will keep 8% as a non-refundable for the cost of returning your money that WE HELD FOR OVER A MONTH without providing any items or services and LYING about having the item in STOCK (let's blame covid instead of being honest). Why do you advertise something you don't have available to sell right away? Every other respectable and honest business does not charge your card until the item ships out of respect for not having what you ordered but not SONGBIRDGARDEN; they will pocket your money in advanced, never give you an update, and then STEAL 8%. You have to research their site (part of shipping and not as a separate showing cancellations/returns) to see where they have their absurd deceptive policy because you find it that even if it has not shipped or processed, they will still charge you 8%, what a dishonest site and people! HORRIBLE BUSINESS!
Yes ALWAYS review the company shipping/return/cancellation policies. Some sites don't put them up front because they do not want to look shady. If a company sells you something they do not have and charge you up front, then they are a deceptive shady business without ethics or honesty.
No products. Advertised as in stock, not in stock after you placed and pay for the item and do not hear anything from them, then you ask and they tell you ohh is "on backorder" but they wont say that on their website so they can keep getting dummies to buy something they cant ship right away. A month goes by no updates on the status of the order or when will it ship. If you do not email them they will never tell you anything.