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1 review
1 helpful vote

Terrible - Avoid
October 15, 2024

This site is really bad and the method of credits is so expensive. If someone sends you a video and you'll get lots, they may be 1 second long and cost $19.
Everything costs you on this site. Is you send it costs, if you receive it costs. They even charge per minute in the chat, so you are spending credit reading the response. It's even funny that they sell credits in numbers divisible by 50 as the girls send an email which contains the video. And the email costs 10 credits and then the video costs 50 and therefore if you purchase the lowest amount of 50 credits for $19 you then have to buy another to open the video.

The site is also censored and they block out any number of email or any contact info, so even if you get along well with someone, there is no way to share details. If you want too you have to spend a small fortune as they make you spend a massive amounts on credit and 2 weeks before they allow it.

I'm also very, very dubious the girls profiles are real because if they are, then the Ukraine is literally full of models which are single, which I doubt. I had probably 50 girls contact me ranging for 23 years old to 49 years old. All were very keen and sent many letters and videos.

Also, after you start chatting with the girls, the motive becomes very clear… They are working to make you buy and spend credits as it all starts with lots of stupid questions, over and over and you can see pics sent to you for free. As soon as you engage in the chat, then everything is locked and chargeable and they will send more and more letters with more and more videos.

Also, when it comes to videos… Funny how the women showing off their beautiful bodies exclude their head and face from the video.
On a few when they talk, they also don't say your name just a generic 'Good morning'. I also said please send a photo with doing a gesture so I know they are real and NONE did.
I honestly believe these woman as earning an income from this site to lead men on to buy credits, in fact in one picture I got I saw the women had 2 x laptops and 2 x phones behind her and I'm sure this is as she is communicating on multiple sites at once. I did sign up for a different site out of interest and did see the same girl with the same pictures on there too.

As soon as you start to say you are leaving the site, then I noticed more and more girls said they wanted to leave too and yet they wouldn't and just kept on sending videos and saying 'why can't we chat on here'.

One of the girls, I found online and she's a model in the Ukraine and I found her Facebook page. She was shocked when I mentioned the Agency she works for and gave her full name and page of her facebook page, And then the excuses came out, she's not got access… Her employer uses that account, she doesn't know her password etc. Basically she could have responded to the message or friend request but no, she wanted to only talk via the site.

Also other concerns are:-
- You can't see who likes your profile.
- You can't unlike someone.
- You have no indication / info if they speak your language.

Avoid, avoid, avoid. You aren't going to meet anybody on this site and all you are going to be is frustrated as trust me the credits vanish so fast that you can't have a conversation. Oh, and broke as the credits are so expensive and like I said, you pay to send and also receive so hit financially whatever they do.

You also can't delete your account. You have to chat with someone via a chatbot and so far about about a week my account is still active. I've messaged them many times to delete it and no.

Do yourself a favour and ignore this site and look elsewhere.

Tip for consumers:

I’m pretty sure Sofia Date is a pure Scam site to extort money out of men looking for a woman to have a relationship with as it all seems very controlling and everything points to the fact that this site is only about making money and not about finding love.

Date of experience: October 15, 2024