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3 reviews
13 helpful votes

August 5, 2019


Is totally liberal, in fact I proved them wrong on Facebook and instead of challenging my comment which was not in any form rude or offensive just FACT based, They (Snopes) blocked my from being able to comment on their FB page,

As a business criticism is a key player to understand where your company is going wrong and CLEARLY snopes.com dont like been challenged or proved wrong so their way of dealing with it is "Lets just ban everyone who has an alternative opinion to us" A business should NEVER ban their users regardless if they have different views to you or not? OK on the rare exception that swearing or someone being offensive then its justified but NOT just because of the reasons I have put?

This shows their lack of professionalism and how immature the moderators are there at Snopes.com.

Here is the story I proved them wrong on, My best mate of 30 years works all over the world but mainly in Europe, He has visited Switzerland around 30 times in the last 15 years so knows the place like the back of his hand, He has a house there as well, but in the rural areas, And Snopes.com are saying "NO GO ZONES" Dont exist they are lies by the center and right... REALLY snopes? Even though the BBC has admitted there is...

As snopes are a far left group of liberal sarcomas, this is what you would expect from them, Film makers, journalists' TV crews have been there over the past 10 years and been attacked, spat at, threatened by the "Ahum" delights that have been allowed to live there, BUT snopes says there is no threat over there? The NO GO ZONES are places you don't go out on a night on your own and ONLY if you must do, They are also places females DO NOT GO out on a night with or without someone else with them. Even the police go out in numbers and in the hardcore places they dont go at all, One police man on a documentary I watched even said before we allowed them here we had 2 or 3 crimes a year in his province, now its every other day.

This is purely down to immigration and nothing else.

Here is snopes "Effort" to fool people, Note how they safely quote their statements from the police, These police wont exists or names have been changed and I bet no one else has heard of them!

I have a documentary that was filmed and aired on TV in 2017 that unedited shows these NO GO ZONES, You wouldn't want to be there... The most shocking thing for me isnt that snopes is so biased and radically liberal over this, or the fact snopes ignores the horrors coming from the country or even trying to fool people? The thing that shocks me the most is that there is STILL liberal Swish people who think the country DOESN'T have an issue... HELLO SWITZERLAND? ANYONE THERE!

Read other users reviews on here, its all there.

The Link to Snopes BS https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sweden-crime-no-go-zone-police/

Date of experience: August 5, 2019