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1 review
2 helpful votes

In the past three months I have lost just under $100...
November 10, 2013

In the past three months I have lost just under $100 from spammers on Skype.

My account was used as a spammer's delivery tool in Sweden. Over one-thousand SMS texts were sent from my account - half in September and half early November.

In September, a hacker gained access to my account and began to spam people in Sweden with texts. I promptly went to Skype customer service - attempted to resolve the issue, be refunded and move on. We took all the necessary steps to recover my account and make sure that nobody gained access to it again. Customer service agreed to refund me for the "Auto-recharge" cycles that occurred 5 times during the hacker's shenanigans and cost me $14 each time.

Since then I have cancelled auto-recharge.

However, I have still not been refunded.

If that isn't enough - in the past few days THE EXACT SAME THING has happened to me.

I followed the same steps, talked to Skype customer service. Did all of the security measures to ensure that it didn't happen again. I explained to them that even though my "auto-recharge" was turned off - it WAS STILL HAPPENING. They promptly continued on with the same security measures that did not protect me the first time... or the second time.

Upon me asking for a refund due to their inability to secure my account, the customer service rep then told me that it's not their responsibility.

Allow me to make that clear to anyone willing to give Skype their personal information and/or money - IT IS NOT SKYPES' RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT SECURED.

After spending 1.5hrs on the live chat with a customer service rep dodging my requests for a refund, he told me that they needed to "convert this communication to email so we could further investigate the said issue". On my approval of this "conversion" the chat was ended by the rep.

Full transcript available on request.

Date of experience: November 10, 2013