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1 review
5 helpful votes

Singsale: Emblem of Liars and Cheaters
May 13, 2019

I've ordered from iHerb, Lazada, Qoo10, Shopee, Taobao and none has ever provided a service as lousy as Singsale. For my first order of 2 moisturizers, one of the box's inside has cream, the entire container was greasily coated with overflowing contents and the lid does not have its usual protective cover and best, only half of the moisturizer was left. I requested for Singsale to have my refund via FB messenger, they acceded and told me it'll take about 5 WDs to process. I've checked my bank statement after a week and this has yet to be reflected as they said.

On my second order, I once again foolishly placed my faith in them and decided to overlook their blunder. Ordered another 2 bottles of facial serum from them and the sight that greeted me when I removed the postage pack thoroughly annoyed me and snapped my tolerance limit. One of the serum bottles had its plastic packaging removed and when opened, ONLY HALF THE SERUM WAS LEFT! So... did I order someone's used serum? Worse, when I told Singsale, they had the balls to say a picture was insufficient and requested for video. I think I must have been dealing with visually impaired imbeciles. Super peeved, I sent the video across and they had the audacity to defend themselves with this key liner: he wrapping can be easily removed whether there is a fault or not.

I nearly fainted with rage on the above liner which heavily insinuated I orchestrated the entire episode in order to have $17 refunded? My gosh! And shortly after, they blocked me on Facebook.

To all prospective Singsale buyers out there, just abandon the idea of buying anything from them even though the low prices can be truly tempting. You indeed get what you pay for. I have $50 refund that is still pending and I think it's a lost cause.

For rating, I put NA because I think they don't even deserve 1 star for each of the category. Negative, I would rate.

By the way, I don't have a vendetta to defame Singsale and this experience is truly my personal own. The sharing is in part my willingness to warn all readers out there so you don't end up in the same misery as me.

Each delivery takes MORE THAN A MONTH TO FULFILL. I have all the records in black-white for proof. The pain and suffering is beyond words. They are quick to take your money but snail slow to return, the epitome of liars and cheaters.

Tip for consumers:

Don't even think about it.

Products used:

None and never again.

Date of experience: May 13, 2019