2 reviews for Sims Custom Shop are not recommended
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1 review
2 helpful votes

My Second Guitar
February 14, 2019


My Second Review:

I said I would write a second review when I received it and I have. I'll try to go over the same categories as I did before. I also see that Pat has made a reply to my first review and I'll address that towards the end.

The Time Estimate:
This one was on time. The original estimate was for 10-12 weeks due to the busy NAMM season. I shipped around 11/9/18 and received 2/4/19. Approximately 12 weeks. I was told however, separate from the original estimate, that it would ship to me late December to early January. So kind of a weird mixed message.

The Quality:
This guitar was done in a white gloss finish. Looking at it closely its pretty good. One small black spec on the back and a couple little bumps near the neck pocket. Relatively minor stuff. Again I practically have my nose against this thing when Im looking it over. Thats the level of detail I try keep my self accountable too in my daily work so thats how I inspect. If I were comparing the two guitars I have I would say this was the better of the two.

One thing I have noticed is that I feel as though the finish on the white guitar is softer than the finish on the copper guitar. I can visibly leave a mark in the paint in the electronics cavity with my fingernail. Im not willing to try this test in a visible area so this is something I can't prove but thought it worth mentioning.

The finish has chipped in one small location down to bare wood. Seeing as how it has only sat on a soft pad on my bench I don't know what to make of this. This happened within hours of receiving it. Its entirely possible that I knocked it against something without noticing but I don't believe I have. It would have to be a fairly hard hit and even then a cured urethane finish shouldn't have had that as a result. I also paid for a special ceramic coating. This stuff isn't bullet proof but it does help considerably from what I've been told. So Im not sure what to think about it.

The Communication:
Emails were answered promptly this time. Only nit-pick I have is that twice I requested in emails that it be sent to my work address but it was shipped to my home address. I asked this because its cold and snowy where I live and I didn't want my freshly painted guitar left out in the cold on my front porch. Easy fix, I just had to get a hold of the deliverer and pay a small fee to have it rerouted.

My Recommendation:
It holds true from the first review.

Average Joe: go for it.
Gigging Musician: maybe not.
Professional Luthier: ask questions, be cautious, get assurances.

My Conclusion:
The white guitars is pretty sweet. This one gets a 3.5 star. Overall I'm going to bump the entire experience of both guitars to a 3 star. That may seem harsh, but in my mind 5 star is perfect. 4 is something I would recommend to everyone. 3 is recommend to some. And so on.

A 3 ain't bad

To Address The Response Comment:
It does appear we disagree on a few things. Thats ok! There are two sides to every coin, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. People are flawed and I am no exception. I'm willing to say the disagreements are probably due to a matter of perspective. I won't get into a "comment war" or a debate about who said what. I could quote emails too but like I said in the first review: My hope is that this review will help people reach a decision on whether or not Sims Custom Shop is right for them. I've said my piece and he's allowed to say his. I understand that this is how he makes a living and of course he wants to protect his reputation. Im in the same boat, the guitars I make are how I make a living.

Its up to the customers to decide what they deem relevant and thats why reviews on sites like this are important.

Date of experience: February 12, 2019
1 review
4 helpful votes

January 19, 2016


Date of experience: January 19, 2016
2 reviews for Sims Custom Shop are not recommended