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1 review
1 helpful vote

I categorically do not recommend using this service!
March 12, 2024

Well... On 7.03.24 i wanted to exchange USDT=>HMND.
I sent USDT coins to the specified deposit address and waited.

Exchange ID: tg7gajemkg26wih1

Transaction Hash on bscscan:

For some unknown reason the conversion did not continue and i didn't receive back my HMND coins.
I have written to customer support several times asking for my funds back, but each time i get the same answer "Your funds are safe, please don't worry. We will keep you updated".

It's the 12th today! I'm being blatantly ignored.
I categorically do not recommend using this service!

UPD: The conflict was resolved. But i don't raise the rating above 3 stars because of the time wasted.

Date of experience: March 12, 2024