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1 review
23 helpful votes

Steer clear
June 19, 2018

We were excited at first when our representative told us that we could cancel our contract if we were not happy. We could also upgrade it, with our proven sucess. Almost two months in after receiving a lot of negative feedback from our customers we called to cancel and was told we were under contract and could not. They offered to cut the cost to 50% - which to me is as good as overcharging us 50%. We declined, not willing to further aggravate hard earned customers. We cancelled our credit card. They called to inform me that they had auto recovered the credit card when we cancelled it, and that they would be emailing our payment options.

Seems like they were happy to fight much more than simply take the loss of one customer - and no review, versus an upset and frustrated former customer that will be sure no one else goes through what we did, if we can help us.

They don't even practice what they preach. You can't leave them a google review or facebook review. I can't find a yelp account.

Stay far, far away. You can do the same thing for yourself.

I wanted to quickly touch base with either one of you since we hadn't come to a resolution with how to proceed. As a refresher, we sent the sales calls over to our Quality Assurance team and did not find any infractions during the sales process. The question to cancel was addressed clearly, as was the option to pro-rate within the first 60 days and the length of the commitment when signing up.

Even today, they called and said that they would be emailing options for us. This is a copy of the email. I suppose their idea of options is their way.

Her email said: I had presented the option to (name withdrawn) a while back to take the same cancellation fee ($1,396) it would take to void the contract immediately and spread it out of the length of your commitment for customer service purposes. It's a better outcome for your business if we can actually help you out for the year instead of just paying to void the contract.

We can customize the platform to your liking, but you guys did see incredible results in the first few months with 66 reviews posted to your online pages with the standard settings in place. If you would like another Account Manager, I'd be happy to move you over to someone else on my team to assist you, but I do want to make sure we're getting this squared away in a timely manner.

I look forward to hearing back!
* is not on your side. Buyer beware.

*Personal information redacted by admin

Date of experience: June 19, 2018