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1 review
6 helpful votes

Stay away from this supplier
May 21, 2019

I run an electric scooter rental in Hungary and was looking for a new supplier - this is how I found Yonkang Haohao. Stephen (the sales representative) was very helpful in the beginning, but after I paid 30% of my order (15 scooters), he was not willing to send any info and photos of the progress they made or answer any questions for 2 weeks, although as per contract the scooters were supposed to be ready 15 days after the initial 30% was transferred (when do you start production? - we will start soon, don't worry friend! When will you ship? - We will ship don't worry friend... standard no info answers to every single question). I have also ordered inspection services for $118. They contacted Stephen directly (I was ccd on the mail so I know this for a fact) and gave him instructions on what percentage of the products and accessories should be ready (80% to be able to complete inspections). After 15 days I still had no information, but Stephen asked for a few more days to complete production I gave Stephen a few days, but just like until this point, I had to be disappointed. After another 3 days, he called the inspection company, but only 1 scooter was ready of 15 and none of the accessories were ready or packed, so obviously they failed the inspection. As at this point I was trying to deal with these guys for 3 weeks, I started running out of time. It would have been the very last minute to find a new supplier to be ready for the season if they can't deliver as agreed, so I told Stephen that I either want my money back or they promise to complete production and pay for and pass a second inspection next week. Moreover they would pay a fine if they can't deliver at the date we originally agreed to. He said they would be ready in a "few days" and pay for a second inspection and the fine if the scooters don't arrive on time. Another week has passed, but they didn't even try to arrange another inspection, instead he kept asking me to pay for the scooters as he claimed they were ready and the inspection company was already there (that one time they weren't ready with anything - complete lack of understanding what the inspection is for). It took me days again to explain that they failed and it was their fault, this is why a second inspection is needed. Another few days later, he still failed to provide any information on when the scooters will be shipped or when the second inspection would take place (they only started answering the inspection company a week after I first asked him to arrange for the inspection). Stephen in the meantime kept blaming everyone for the delay but didn't take any responsibility for any of it. After seeing that they will obviously not be able to deliver the scooters on time, Stephen finally agreed to return my money. I contacted alibaba support to see how I can get the $118 I paid for inspection back. I was told that Yongkag Hao Hao has to pay for it. First Stephen agreed and then he started blaming the inspection company and decided not to compensate me. So I had my money stuck for 2 months, with nothing in return, I have lost all transaction and conversion fees as well as a $118 inspection that they called when they knew very well, they would fail and 2 months of my time, so I had to buy scooters last minute for a much higher price as there was no time to find another manufacturer that could deliver on time.

Date of experience: May 21, 2019