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1 review
0 helpful votes

They Are taking Money from my account without installing system
January 3, 2024

This company wanted to change my software from Toast to them but we have not unpacked the system. Supposedly no charge. They have charged me 1549.68 without my knowledge or approval.They billed me twice in January. That is how i Caught it. The Salesperson told me if i would take the system she would credit the money. That I believe is Illegal. I called customer support 2 days in a row after holding for more than 2 hours. They sent me to the retention department and they hung up on me. In case someone from this company wants my Info her is the open ticket number *******
Pending AC-Shift4 Shift4 PPD $ 179.94 ACH Debit
01/02/2024 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 324.98 ACH Debit

12/05/2023 AC-Shift4 -Shift4I*********** ****** THE JUICE HOUS $ 179.94 ACH Debit

12/04/2023 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 65.00 ACH Debit

11/02/2023 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 65.00 ACH Debit

11/02/2023 AC-Shift4 -Shift4I*********** ****** THE JUICE HOUS $ 179.94 ACH Debit

10/03/2023 AC-Shift4 -Shift4I*********** ****** THE JUICE HOUS $ 179.94 ACH Debit

10/02/2023 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 65.00 ACH Debit

09/05/2023 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 65.00 ACH Debit

09/05/2023 AC-Shift4 -Shift4I*********** ****** THE JUICE HOUS $ 179.94 ACH Debit

08/02/2023 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 65.00 ACH Debit

07/03/2023 AC-SHIFT4 -FEES*************** THE JUICE HOUSE $ 0.70 ACH Debit

Tip for consumers:

They have taken my money and they have not given it back

Products used:


Date of experience: January 3, 2024