SHAM company! If you are thinking about using this shady company for anything especially lead generation then my very STRONG recommendation is DON'T DO IT! There is nothing good I can say about this so called company, who clearly should be illegal and DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEARTl! They ripped me off over US$3400 promising leads, and do you know what?... In 2 years I have NOT HAD ONE, YES NOT ONE legit lead that wasn't obviously a cold call lead. After wanting to cancel after the first year they refused to cancel my subscription and just took the money from my account! READ THE SMALL PRINT. AS IT SAYS there you have to cancel a few month in advance otherwise you have no come back legally if you wish to cancel close to your expiration date! SNEEKY thieves! These are unfortunately one of those companies that get a way with this sort of thing because unless you read all the small print they have you by the balls! I still have over 70 leads that I have paid for and the joke is they haven't had any leads available in my area for MONTHS! And when I contact support OVER AND OVER AGAIN I get absolutely NO RESPONSE! So all in all! DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT USING THESE GUYS AS YOU 1111% WILL END UP REGRETTING IT! THE BEST I CAN HOPE FOR IS TO DO MY BEST TO NOT LET YOU BE ANOTHER OF THEIR VICTIMS! THIS IS BAD LOW VIBRATIONAL BUSINESS AT ITS BEST! TERRIBLE EVERYTHING! SERIOUSLY I HAVE NOT GOT ONE GOOD THING TO SAY ABOUT THEM DURING MY 2 YEAR EXPERIENCE! THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED! KEEP YOUR $$$$ FOR SOMETHING ELSE THAT WILL AT LEAST GIVE YOU ONE LEAD THAT YOU CAN CLOSE FROM IN 2 YEARS! IF I COULD GIVE THIS COMPANY MINUS 5 STARS THEN I WOULD! And just in case you are wondering yes I am a successful Realtor using other lead generation companies and tools the last few years! (e.g. Zillow, Boomtown, Redfin, etc). And by the LONGEST WAY POSSIBLE this has been the worst experience so I do have a habit to trust people first and like to give new things a go...this was my BIGGEST MISTAKE to date! IT BACK FIRED BIG STYLE! So finally just in case you are still debating it! Don't do it! You have been warned!
Lead Generation for Realtors