1 review for SEO Semantic XHTML is not recommended
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New Jersey
1 review
1 helpful vote

I will never hire SEO-Semantic-xhtml.com again or recommend...
December 9, 2011

I will never hire SEO-Semantic-xhtml.com again or recommend that anybody else use them. I paid them $2,200 to code a website for my Big Commerce Store and they did an extremely poor job.

I had hired SEO-Semantic in the past to work on the first page of my website. Both times they did an excellent job. I was pleased and had no reason to think they wouldn't do as good a job on the rest of my website.

The first page was a disaster. I had asked them to remove the contact email and LinkedIn links. The LinkedIn link was still there and the margins between the two divs had changed. The second div was a slide show with a gray background. The div shifted to the end of the white container and the images were off-centered. On top of the page the words LOG IN changed to Sign in or Create an New Account. All these extra words changed the look of page.

The Shop pages were supposed to be white with the tab highlighted in white as well. The tab was not highlighted and the page was a grayish color. The fonts on the active tab were supposed to be larger than the fonts on the inactive tab. They weren't.

For some reason, the coder reduced my images and renamed them. The images were not in the same order as per my submitted example and the coder rewrote of some my sentences.

I had wanted the terms of agreement and policies pages to be pop-ups. Big Commerce servers did not support the type of pages I wanted. Did someone from SEO-Semantic inform me of this? Yes, a month later after they were finished with the website. The coder simply placed these pages in the middle of a website page. It looked awful. Best practice is to inform a client right away if something can't be done.

Dido for my product page. I did not know BC product page had to be set up in a certain way. Again SEO-Semantic said nothing.
I could go on, but you get the picture. I wanted a refund but they claim it was just a minor CSS problem. I put together a pdf comparing what I submitted versus what I got back. They made some of the changes, but the margins on the web pages were uneven and things were not properly aligned. I also had to repeat three times I wanted the shop divs to all be the same height.

And I still could not open the entire website in the temp URL. At first there was a redirect problem with my one page website on godaddy.com name server. So I fixed that problem but I still couldn't open the entire site under BC temporary URL. The tabs did not work. I kept getting generic yahoo pages. BC support staff said it was a problem with the coding. I asked SEO-Semantic to fix this because I needed to finish placing my products on the site and updating the text.
SEO-Semantic told me to redirect the name server under my website name. Little did I know they were going to put my unfinished website online! I was furious.
When I finally got the website down and opened on BC temporary URL, the footer div collapsed into a long dark gray box and some of the tab pages still did not work. I gave up. I know a bad hand when I'm dealt one. There was no way I was going to deal with that company again.

Date of experience: December 9, 2011