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4 reviews
3 helpful votes

Bad customer service
February 27, 2024

Self had been sending me notifications to their website I finally made a decision to fill out the application I put in all my personal information on the self website it accepted me once they got my banking information and started deducting money from my account the self website said information we have on file is not matching I was confused so I called the 800 number I explained to them what was going on the first representative was a gentleman I explained the situation I said it's too much going on I would just like a refund and when I told him that I'm sorry I don't want to hear the speech about the website let's just do the refund he got a attitude and he was all in his feelings he had held me on the phone for an hour and 20 minutes before he would allow me to speak to a supervisor once the supervisor got on the phone she pretending like she was trying to be helpful and when she realized that the information that I was giving her over the phone wasn't matching was on the computer instead of her saying to the customer let me email the right people so we can solve this situation she decided it was more important to call me by the wrong name three times over talk me instead of just sending an email letting someone know that the information in the file is not matching but we have Miss Days bank information and it is going to be deducting money out of her account on a automatic deductions every month instead of the supervisor doing that she chose to argue for another 45 minutes I was in disbelief all they had to do was just send an email to the right department this could have been solved less than 10 minutes but instead it was more important for them to over talk me be very disrespectful to show me that they were in control this was the biggest mistake I made on February 27 /2024 I wasted almost three hours arguing about an email and miscommunication on their website 👎👎👎👎👎

Date of experience: February 27, 2024