I paid and got no product. This company scamed me and should be investigated and charges for fraud. But the cost of pursuing is not worth the time and effort. They sent email: Just to let you know — we've received your order #5403, and it is now being processed:
[Order #5403] (November 20,2023)
Product Quantity Price
Hi Charles,
The following note has been added to your order:
Sea-Doo Seasooter Nose Cone Pump (SM-037-NP) x 1 shipped via USPS on November 20,2023 with tracking number **********************. "This Tracking Number does not exist in UPS!
As a reminder, here are your order details:
[Order #5403] (November 20,2023)
Product Quantity Price
Sea-Doo Seasooter Nose Cone Pump 1 $29.99
Subtotal: $29.99
Shipping: $6.25 via Flat rate
Payment method: Stripe
Total: $36.24
Never Recieved this item. So i sent another email and they responded "must be lost we will send you another" NEVER RECIEVED!