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1 review
6 helpful votes

A terrible place for children
May 2, 2023

I'm a nana of 2 special little kids. Since they have been there with their mom they have lost alot of weight. One of them calls the food slop. It's not even good enough to feed animals. I don't know what they do with all the money donated because they.feed the residents expired food. The meat they feed at Rescue The Children is pepperoni. They don't get real meat or fresh meat. They were giving the moms and kids expired orange juice. The cans of juice expired January 2020. Some of the girls and kids were getting sick from it so they said well its too expired throw it away. One of my little ones will only eat pband j. She said it's the one thing I know won't make me sick because it's bad. As for clothing I guess the women who get paid to work take all the new clothing donated because I can tell my 2 are wearing very used clothing to the point I need to buy them clothes. I was told I'm not allowed because it's against the rules to bring things in without putting a requisition in. If you don't get permission you get extra duty hours. If miss Deanna wants she will tell you she will have you exited
It's pretty bad when they say they are helping the homeless when the women scare these poor ladies they will kick them out or slam them with extra duties. And where is it constitutional to drug and alcohol test people that don't have those problems. I can see if your in there from prison and are required to do it, but a mom that doesn't leave there unless the kids are sick. This woman won't let prescriptions be filled at a cvs down the street. No, they have to be filled at shields and west which is nowhere close to RTC. She went in there during her time for drugs, now could it be she wrote scrips at those drug stores and isn't allowed in there? Makes you think. I hate for my family there but they feel like they are going to get so many things promised such as a driver's license, told they would be given a home to live, so many things. But I noticed when the women are just a week or days from graduating they are thrown out for stupid reasons. So if you want a place to donate find a kind place. Not a place that should be shut down for feeding these people old expired food, giving them old rags to wear, and very sad children because they are afraid that the ladies will throw them on the streets and then call CPS on the moms who try to make it.

Date of experience: May 2, 2023