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2 reviews
4 helpful votes

Pinterest should be ashamed for advertising this company on their website, where I found them.
May 14, 2021


A number of weeks ago I provided a one-star review of SANRICO, a company that supplies many DIY products, on TrustPilot. The review is based on two issues. First, a lack of guidance (both on the website and that no literature comes with the products) which has led to some of the tools I purchased sitting idle while I try to figure out what attachments/accessories I need to employ them. Secondly, and most important to me, abysmal customer service. This updated review is driven by something altogether different. Misrepresentation.

After weeks of trying to get someone from SANRICO to give me the guidance that I need to put these products to use and having received only automated replies ("Resolving your issues and answering questions is a top priority for me. A member of my support team will follow up with you very soon to resolve your inquiry.") I gave up and posted my original review. Unsurprisingly, I was contacted very soon afterwards by a member of the Customer Support Team.

The "Team" apologized for the delay, told me they were going to speak with their manager about a refund and that it was "very important" that I modify my review to 4 or 5 stars. I told them that I would modify my review if they executed the refund and supplied me with the guidance that I need to use the tools that I purchased. A subsequent email indicated that the refund was approved, and I still needed to update my review…

Still waiting on the guidance, I was recently contacted by TrustPilot. Their e-mail(s) indicated, in short, that SANRICO flagged my review as "they don't believe you've had a genuine experience with them" and I must now supply documentation or have my review removed. One might believe that by genuine experience that SANRICO has admitted to dropping the ball and that this is a rare bad experience. Or, as I believe, they are simply challenging my review in the hopes that I will let the ball drop, as they have.

I told SANRICO, after receiving this e-mail, that if they gave me the guidance that I requested from the start, that I would let the review drop. This was their reply, received at 0059 this morning: "Dear [me]. We do not have any guidance for this product. Best regards, your SANRICO Customer Service Team." Hence, I believe their rebuttal to my original review was an accusation of my being disingenuous. Furthermore, after viewing the all the communications in their entirety, I believe the following…

SANRICO's claim of being a family-owned business with all their products designed in New Jersey may be technically correct but that statement has intent. I believe its' purpose is to play on the "Buy American" sentiment. Verbiage, punctuation, and intent reflected in these communications strongly indicate to me that this business has foreign roots. Furthermore, the times in which I received the communications, such as 0059 for the last, indicate different time-zones. In-and-of itself, I have no issue with foreign products. I do have a strong issue with people trying to sway my decisions with hidden motive, information true or otherwise ("designed vs made", interesting.) It is also important, in my view, to know to what foreign entities I am sending my money. I, also, strongly believe that the "refund" was more a bribe for a new review than any real form of customer service. Personally, doubt that these products were designed by their company as well since, subsequent to this transaction, I have found many available through other, industry leading, manufacturers. Lastly, I see no substantial evidence that this company has any background in the use of these products, given that they can supply me with absolutely no information on the use of the ones that I purchased.

As I said in my original review, if you know how to use it and this is the only place you can get it, buy away. Otherwise, my recommendation is that you, instead, run away.

Okay, "Team". There is my updated review. You wanted me to focus even more of my valuable time on you so I did. Opinions clearly stated and put aside, I can back all of this up with your communications.

Products used:

None so far as I have not acquired needed instructions / guidance.

Date of experience: May 14, 2021