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2 reviews
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May 20, 2019

Ordered a ritteri anemone, fed ex delivers day late and dead. Happens, was told one would be reshipped when became available. The following weekend again they had ritteri anemones for sale, but not for me. When I reach out I'm told they didn't pass inspection (seems to be the go to lie). I wasn't even contacted to be told some were available for "inspection" just see they're for sale on the website. I wait a full ten days, now keeping an eye on the website to see what they're selling. Now they have a WYSIWYG ritteri, two and a half times the price, but looks good in the pictures. I order online, pay, and contact to take the price of the DOA of the price of the upsale anemone. Which they graciously did. Day to ship comes, midday I get a text. Wouldn't you know, didn't pass inspection. No worries though, they have another anemone they can offer me. This one is $467.97 on sale from $719.90. The original anemone was $95, then $259, now $467.97... wow... more money than I'm going to spend. Knowing the answer, I asked if they were prepared to ship the alternative at the same price. They offer me a $15 discount, I declined. I had two orders pending totaling almost $500, I canceled both. As one contained the anemone and the other clown fish for it. Bummed about my experience, later in the evening I troll some other livestock sites. You can imagine my extreme disappointment when I find the exact WYSIWYG anemone (the high dollar one) for $50 less on the other site. For all the hassle for all the inconvenience, they still wanted to charge $35 more than another site. I've purchased from both saltwaterfish.com and the other site (which, out of proper form I won't mention, but google will easily bring you to) on many occasions and they are comparable in quality. The other site ALWAYS has better prices. I'm sure you can imagine who I will order from in the future, knowing they draw from the same pool. Customer service can sometimes make the up charge worth while this is for sure not the case with this company.

Date of experience: May 20, 2019