This is my second of the same chainsaw as I have two properties. I've had McCullough and Poulan saws and I also use an electric saw when it's close to electric power and prefer electric because they are always easy to start. I'm not a professional user but have been felling trees on properties for 40 years or so and can usually put them down where I've drawn an X on the ground. I don't buy the professional saws because I don't use them all year or even every year and gas saws can be finicky when left unused, even when you drain the fuel out of the carb and I have learned only to use the non-ethanol $20/gallon pre-mix fuel. I'd rather have to replace a $150 saw, than a $600 one and for half that price I can have a saw at each location. The first Ryobi I bought 2 years ago and it has done everything I've asked it to do including taking down some 32"+ diameter trees and I would recommend it as a good lightweight saw. It has a 3 year warranty, though I've never had to use it. MY ONLY ISSUE IS WITH ITS SO-CALLED "SAFETY TIP." AT THE END OF THE BAR. I'd highly recommend that anyone buying this saw remove the tip from the bar (though I'm sure it will void the warranty). I misjudged the center of gravity of a tree and it started to go the wrong direction toward the bar rather than away from it and was going to pinch the bar if I didn't slide it out through the cut. But the " safety tip" prevented sliding the bar out the cut and I had to lift it high out of the cut with a quick motion. I'm getting over my rotator cuff surgery after the massive tear from the quick lifting of the bar out of the cut. I've never seen other chainsaws with tips like this and I'd recommend that Ryobi get rid of it as I have. If you buy this saw, just use an 8mm socket wrench to remove it from the bar. If it wasn't for the "safety tip" and a $40,000 surgery with almost a year of recovery, I would give it 5 stars instead of 4.